Questions & Criteria

The Transformation Award

  • Strategy
    The extent to which innovation was central to achieving short-term goals

    The extent to which innovation was central to achieving long-term goals
  • Creativity
    The extent to which new tools and techniques were experimented with

    The extent to which creative approaches were used to maximise existing resources
  • Execution
    The extent to which the innovation process was measured and monitored

    The extent to which internal and external stakeholders were consulted and involved in the process
  • Impact
    The extent to which organisations have emerged stronger as a result of their transformation

    The expected impact of the project on your organisation or the wider industry

The Partnership Award

  • Strategy
    The extent to which the project’s ambitions are designed to support the local tourism industry in the short term

    The extent to which the project’s ambitions are designed to support the local tourism industry in the long term
  • Creativity
    The extent to which innovative tools and techniques were used to support the local tourism industry

    The extent to which creative approaches were used to maximise existing resources to support the local tourism industry
  • Execution
    The extent to which the industry was engaged throughout the project

    The extent to which a detailed monitoring framework was established to assess how local industry has become more digitally competitive and resilient
  • Impact
    The extent to which the local tourism industry has become more resilient due to the support provided

    The extent to which long-term collaboration has been strengthened.

The Purposeful Brand Award

  • Strategy
    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives are designed to make positive changes and combat the most pressing short-term issues

    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives are designed to make positive changes and combat the most pressing long-term issues
  • Creativity
    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives used innovative tools and techniques to drive positive change 

    The extent to which creative approaches were used to maximise existing resources to drive positive change
  • Execution
    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives were measured and monitored

    The extent to which internal and external stakeholders were consulted and involved in the process of driving positive change
  • Impact
    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives had a positive short-term impact

    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives will have a lasting impact

The Digital Impact Award

  • Strategy
    The extent to which brands place digitalisation as a short-term strategic priority

    The extent to which brands place digitalisation as a long-term strategic priority
  • Creativity
    The extent to which brands use innovative tools and techniques to engage audiences

    The extent to which creative approaches were used to leverage existing resources to maximise the impact of digitalisation
  • Execution
    The extent to which digital transformation processes were monitored

    The extent to which internal and external stakeholders were consulted and involved in developing engaging digital brand concepts
  • Impact
    The extent to which digitalisation has improved brand performance

    The extent to which campaigns and initiatives will have a lasting impact

The Leadership Award

  • Strategy
    The extent to which individuals or organisations have shown commitment to the sustainable growth of tourism.
  • Creativity
    The extent to which individuals or organisations have advocated for innovation and transformation.
  • Impact
    The extent to which individuals or organisations have left a legacy in the tourism sector.

The Startup Innovation Award

  • Strategy
    The extent to which innovative products are designed to improve visitor experiences or support partner operations

    The extent to which innovative products are designed to support the long-term transformation of the tourism industry
  • Creativity
    The extent to which new technologies have shaped business opportunities

    The extent to which innovation has enabled improved efficiency
  • Execution
    The extent to which the innovation process was monitored

    The extent to which internal and external stakeholders were consulted and involved in designing and implementing new solutions
  • Impact
    The extent to which innovative products have transformed business performance

    The extent to which start-ups have disrupted the tourism industry

Submission Questions

You can enter up to 5 projects/campaigns.

Members can enter free of charge with unlimited submissions.

Project/Campaign Description

Tell us about the project/campaign you're submitting for review.

  • What's the title of your project/campaign?
  • Can you describe your project/campaign?
    e.g. how did it come together, what were the key goals and/or what has it achieved.
  • Project/Campaign website.
    Please provide a website link where relevant. If you need to provide more than one link, you can do so later.
  • Organisations primary activity (The Startup Innovation Award only)
    Please tell us more information about this organisation and what it does.
  • Organisation website (The Startup Innovation Award only)
    Please provide a link to the organisation's website. If you want to add any additional links to relevant projects/initiatives you can do so later.

Demonstrating the Four Pillars

There are a few questions relating to the strategy, creativity, impact and results for your project/campaign.

  • Can you explain how this project/campaign fits into your short or long-term strategy?
  • Can you briefly point out key goals, how you're measuring them and whether you've met these goals?
  • How does your project/campaign show creativity?
    This may be in its use of technology, local resources, talent, etc.
  • Write about the impact of your project/campaign
    We're looking for projects/campaigns that have had an impact which may be social, cultural or more business-driven. Describe and exemplify your submission's impact here.
  • Any additional Text or Links