Marketing Technology, Strategy & Data-Driven Impact

In an evolving marketing environment, we are investigating the most important tools and technologies that support destination marketers in their day-to-day operations.

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Collectively defining the key challenges, pain-points and opportunities to be explored further in the workstream.
Applying research methods to gain perspective and a better understanding of key developments and insights.
Building solutions helping members address key challenges and collectively further their work.
Putting initial prototype solutions into action, assessing their value working towards future iterations.
Logical conclusion of Workstream when no longer needed, archive of work retained for reference.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for destination marketing organisations (DMOs). This Workstream is designed for DMOs seeking to harness the power of marketing technology (MarTech), with a particular emphasis on AI and generative AI tools, to achieve tangible results and enhance marketing tactics and strategies.


This section outlines the key challenges the Workstream seeks to understand better and the impactful results it aims to achieve in addressing them.

Navigating the MarTech Landscape

The abundance of MarTech tools can be overwhelming. How do you choose the right platforms for your specific needs and budget?

Integrating Data Sources

Siloed data hinders a holistic understanding of your audience. What strategies can be employed to effectively integrate and analyse data from various sources?

Leveraging AI and Generative AI

AI offers immense potential for personalisation, content creation, and automation. How can DMOs responsibly and effectively integrate these technologies into their marketing efforts?

Measuring ROI

Demonstrating the impact of marketing campaigns is crucial. What metrics and tools can be used to accurately assess the return on investment (ROI) of MarTech initiatives?


The outputs are defined and later refined by members of the Workstream and serve as the guiding objectives defining the group's scope of work and priorities.

Curated MarTech Directory

A continuously updated, searchable database of MarTech tools specifically vetted for DMO relevance with categorisation, cost evaluation and opinions and critical review by other DMOs.

AI & Gen AI Showcase

Building a knowledge pool highlighting AI-powered and generative AI tools relevant to DMO marketing, including tested experiments and application examples from destinations, the wider tourism industry and other sectors.

ROI Measurement Guides

A collection of templates, calculators, and guides to assist DMOs in measuring the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and MarTech investments. Include an in-depth analysis of KPI tracking templates, attribution modelling guides and approaches looking at the impact of various touch-points on conversions as well as guides to attribution modelling concepts and tools to better understand the impact of various touch-points on conversions.

"Ask the Expert" Sessions

A member-exclusive forum where DMOs can ask questions, seek advice, and share challenges related to MarTech implementation and optimisation. This forum will foster peer-to-peer learning and provide a platform for members to connect with MarTech experts and suppliers or specialists invited to contribute on granular aspects of the MarTech landscape.

Regular "Tool Spotlight" Sessions

Short, focused webinars highlighting specific MarTech tools or platforms, featuring demos, use cases, and Q&A sessions with suppliers or DMOs who have successfully implemented the tool. This will offer the opportunity to both collectively demo and get insight on the potential of various pools, without handing over contact data to vendors, or understand first-hand from other users within the Workstream.

Trend Sessions

The working group will meet regularly to discuss progress, share updates on ongoing projects, and explore new opportunities for collaboration. Sessions will be a mix of presentations, workshops, and open discussions, providing a platform for members to learn from each other and stay at the forefront of MarTech advancements focusing on areas such as:

  1. Integrating AI-powered chatbots
  2. Generative AI in campaigns and social content
  3. Data analytics to identify high-potential target audiences and optimise campaign targeting and results
  4. Emerging XR applications and formats for brand activation
  5. Incorporating strategic shifts and priorities into Marketing


The working group participants meet regularly to openly share ideas and discuss the project's progress and move forward with each phase of the initiative. Here's an overview of the most recent meetings.

Inaugural Session

October 9, 2024
2 Hours


This Workstream is just getting started.. Check back soon