Bring Sustainability
to Your Destination

Created for destinations around the world, this programme will provide the insight to help you become a sustainability leader within your organisation.
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Giovanna Tosetto

Association Scopri Con Noi

"A great team experience, now I feel more confident thanks to new tools to develop sustainable tourism design thinking"

Kim Ross

Visit Östergötland

"Inspiring to network and share ideas and aspirations with destinations worldwide on this course and be part of something bigger"

Peter Maag

Tourism Ireland

"It has been fun, engaging and a learning experience and I've left the course with more knowledge of sustainability and how to communicate it"

Nick Hanouwer

Tourism Ireland

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. I really appreciated the fact that the course was tailored to DMOs with clear explanations and lots of interesting examples."

Gain Leadership Skills

You will become a sustainable leader by understanding how to assess and guide a sustainable initiative.

Access the Research

Watch interviews with other DMOs, learn about current best practices and key trends.

Change your Mindset

There’s no magic formula to being sustainable so be prepared to be challenged and work together.

Build a Community

This is a space for the tourism community to learn from one another.


Become a certified Sustainability Advocate

Created for destinations around the world, this programme will provide the insight to help you become a sustainability leader within your organisation.

Key Information

The programme is an online on-demand course made up of 5 modules. Every module is made up of 2-4 lessons, case studies and 2 workshop packages.

1. Understanding Sustainability

The first module will be dedicated to understanding the different aspects of sustainability, what are the most commonly accepted guidelines and who is standing out as a leader overall.

2. Choosing a Sustainable Journey Path

The second module is dedicated to understanding the different sustainability certifications and badges available for destinations. We will look at which criteria should DMOs prioritise when defining their path in sustainability.

3. Leveraging Data & Measuring Impact

In this module, we will analyse available data in order to set the targets for future actions. Using co-creative techniques we will look at public, private and user data to understand what data is accessible and what data we need.

4. Sustainability & Effective Communication

Once priority has been established, we can explore how to communicate and convey the right message to the general public, local community, visitors, industry and government and policymakers.

5. Co-designing Strategies for a Sustainable Future

The last module will look at the future of the destination strategies, reiterating the importance of considering sustainability as part of the overall strategy rather than the final goal to achieve.


Your Central Hub to Understanding Sustainability

Interact with the different pages to have a look at all of the content.

Get the Leadership Programme Pass

Get the 12-month Training Package for €995 / Person, including the Sustainability Leadership, Design Thinking Fundamentals, AI Strategy & Leadership, Destination Transformation and Understanding Destination Needs.

Speak to us


Why should I enrol to this programme?
What does the programme consist of?
What's the outcome of the programme?
How is the programme run?

Join The Next Cohort

Share experiences on sustainability and actively get started on your own sustainability strategy.

/ per person

Evolve members can enrol for free through their dashboard.

Enrol to the programme
Prefer to pay via invoice? Talk to us.
/ Selected Destination Plans and Research members have free access.
/ All other Members receive 50% off all programmes.
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