Destination Canada's Transformative TED Partnership

In the dynamic world of travel and tourism, standing out from the crowd requires a bold approach to garnering top-of-funnel brand awareness.

In the dynamic world of travel and tourism, standing out from the crowd requires a bold approach to garnering top-of-funnel brand awareness. Gloria Loree from Destination Canada details how they embraced this by highlighting Canadian lifestyles in a groundbreaking partnership with TED to authentically share purposeful stories about the country's values and culture.

In the dynamic world of travel and tourism, standing out from the crowd requires a bold approach to garnering top-of-funnel brand awareness. Gloria Loree from Destination Canada details how they embraced this by highlighting Canadian lifestyles in a groundbreaking partnership with TED to authentically share purposeful stories about the country's values and culture.

In the dynamic world of travel and tourism, standing out from the crowd requires a bold approach to garnering top-of-funnel brand awareness. Gloria Loree from Destination Canada details how they embraced this by highlighting Canadian lifestyles in a groundbreaking partnership with TED to authentically share purposeful stories about the country's values and culture.

Destination Canada sought to signal a shift in its strategy, moving beyond traditional marketing campaigns and embracing a more transparent and impactful approach to attract the right type of traveller that values culture and respects local customs. The partnership with TED, known for its inspiring talks and thought-provoking discussions, provided the perfect platform to showcase Canada's diverse perspectives and transformative spirit.

The Process

The partnership unfolded over a two-year journey, requiring unwavering conviction and a deep understanding of TED's culture and rigorous vetting process. Canadians applied to speak in their hundreds by sharing compelling one-minute video applications about their love of Canada and their diverse perspectives about what makes the country a great place to live. While Destination Canada had some veto powers over the final selection of speakers, the programme was curated and designed by TED to ensure a wide range of engaging topics were covered and the appropriate length of each talk was based on data about audience attention spans. This video application process is not uncommon, resembling the Finnish Happiness Masterclass, which garnered 150,000 social media applications for its campaign offering happiness training opportunities.

The lengthy negotiation process was partially attributed to the venue selection. Hosting an event centred on promoting Canada within the United States seemed paradoxical to Destination Canada and convincing them to come to New York was no easy feat but they eventually agreed to TED's stipulations due to several reasons including their extensive network of connections of speakers and rigid culture.

TED's expertise in identifying and nurturing exceptional speakers proved invaluable. The 14 chosen Canadian change-makers embarked on a comprehensive 3-5 month coaching programme, refining their storytelling techniques and delivery to ensure their messages resonated powerfully on the TED stage.

A regenerative future for tourism

To further its commitment to sustainable tourism practices, Destination Canada introduced a Wealth and Wellbeing framework. This framework encouraged destinations to adopt sustainable practices that benefit both communities and visitors, ensuring that tourism contributes positively to the social, economic and environmental well-being of Canada.

The Selected Speakers

On 23 February 2023, these speakers took to the TED stage, captivating audiences with their insightful talks.

TED@DestinationCanada showcased Canada's diverse perspectives and innovative spirit, featuring speakers who addressed topics ranging from Indigenous rights to AI. The event featured inspiring talks, interactive workshops and hands-on experiences, all centred around the idea of how we can shape a more equitable, sustainable and fulfilling future for work and life.

One of the key themes that emerged from the event was the importance of human connection in a world increasingly driven by technology. TED Talks speaker Azim Shariff discussed the concept of 'effort moralisation', the idea that we value work more if it is perceived as difficult. He argued that this mindset can lead to harmful workaholism and encouraged a shift towards valuing effort that produces something meaningful, rather than just working hard for its own sake.

Another prevalent theme was the need to rethink our relationship with technology. Coastal explorer Kevin Smith spoke about his experience working with eco-tourism businesses in the Great Bear Rainforest to create one of the largest marine debris cleanups in history. He emphasised the power of collaboration and innovation in addressing environmental challenges.

TED@DestinationCanada also explored the intersection of climate change and social justice. Environmental justice advocate Alexandra LaBelle-Dumont discussed the need to address climate change from a holistic perspective, considering the disproportionate impact it has on marginalised communities. She emphasised the importance of environmental justice as a means of ensuring a more equitable future for all.

This event underscores Canada's role as an exporter of ideas, values and thought leadership across various disciplines, further solidifying its reputation as a dynamic and versatile nation.    


The partnership served as a powerful testament to Destination Canada's unwavering commitment to open hearts, open minds and open spaces, aligning seamlessly with the brand's core values.

Destination Canada demonstrated exemplary leadership by inviting other DMOs to share knowledge and collaborate on a collective vision for responsible tourism. This open exchange of ideas fostered a spirit of collaboration and innovation, setting a new standard for industry-wide progress.

The interwoven nature of the six E's – Economy, Employment, Enablement, Environment, Engagement and Experience was consistently emphasised throughout the campaign, demonstrating their interconnectedness and the campaign's holistic approach.


The partnership's impact extended far beyond marketing accolades. The speakers captivated global audiences, with half of them garnering over a million views each on their TED Talks. This goes to show the reach that can be obtained from leveraging content shared through a respected thought leadership platform, such as TED with 23.4 million YouTube subscribers and millions more across their other social channels.

Their compelling narratives surpassed expectations, not only in terms of the size of organic content reach and engagement but also in terms of significantly improving the DMOs' resonance with local stakeholders and building better relationships that can encourage future engagement activities with these partners.

Crucially, through the large volumes of applications received, Destination Canada was able to strengthen the country's MICE sector. This was achieved through the establishment of a Speakers Bureau, featuring Indigenous storytellers passionate about sharing Canada's rich heritage and diverse perspectives. Destination Canada thanked every applicant and invited them to join the Speakers Bureau. In doing so, this initiative expanded Destination Canada's network and amplified Indigenous voices globally, contributing to a more inclusive representation of Canada. This Speaker Bureau has helped Destination Canada to successfully pitch to host prestigious events as these experts and leaders in their field champion the innovative work undertaken in Canada within their specific sectors. This helps to present a more cohesive and comprehensive positioning to improve the confidence of associations to host their conferences in Canada.

The campaign also highlighted the unique nature of partnerships. Although it was a one-off event, it succeeded in garnering a longer-lasting impact which paved the idea of marketing a destination in more unique and innovative manners.

Other successful TED Partnerships

While Destination Canada remains the first and only DMO to partner with TED, several non-tourism organisations have forged similar partnerships:

  • TED and The New York Times partnered to create the TED Weekender, a weekly newsletter that curates the most thought-provoking ideas from TED Talks. This partnership provided a platform for TED's ideas to reach millions of New York Times readers.
  • TED and LEGO partnered to create the TED-Ed Innovative Education Series, a collection of LEGO-based lessons that teach children about a variety of subjects. This partnership combined TED's engaging storytelling with LEGO's playful approach to learning, creating a fun and effective educational experience for children.
  • TED and Unilever partnered to launch the Unilever Sustainable Living Lab, a programme that brings together entrepreneurs and innovators to develop sustainable solutions for everyday problems. This partnership aligned with TED's mission to promote innovative ideas and Unilever's commitment to sustainability.
  • TED and Samsung collaborated to create TED Talks Daily, a podcast that features a new TED Talk every day. This partnership expanded the reach of TED Talks to a wider audience, making them more accessible to people who prefer listening to audio content.

These partnerships demonstrate TED's ability to collaborate with diverse organisations and leverage their expertise to amplify its impact.

Key Takeaways

  • Embrace a bold approach to stand out in the tourism industry - Destination Canada's partnership with TED demonstrated their willingness to take a risk and step outside of their comfort zone. This bold move not only helped them to reposition the brand but also attracted a more engaged and discerning audience. By collaborating with a respected thought leadership platform, Destination Canada was able to reach a wider audience and gain credibility among potential visitors.
  • Leverage strategic partnerships to amplify diverse perspectives and transformative ideas - By bringing together a wide range of speakers from different backgrounds and disciplines, Destination Canada was able to create a more inclusive and representative image of the country.
  • Foster collaboration and innovation among DMOs to promote responsible tourism practices - By embracing a bold approach, leveraging strategic partnerships and fostering collaboration and innovation, tourism destinations can position themselves as leaders in the industry and attract a more engaged and discerning audience.
  • One-off campaigns can be extremely effective at generating attention - While marketers plan in annual cycles and repeat initiatives each year, it's important to transform this mindset and become more agile by tapping into specific opportunities and realising the potential to be bold and stand out.
  • Leverage assets gained from campaigns - Marketing campaigns should not be seen as standalone, with strong potential to leverage outcomes within future activities generating a multiplier effect.

Published on:
December 2023
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