Reimagine Visitor Engagement & Loyalty

This is where Web 3.0 technologies, can play a crucial role in overcoming barriers and connecting local brands with a much wider partner ecosystem.

eXplorins reboots tourism loyalty with Web 3.0. Earn tokens for sustainable choices, supporting local businesses and the environment. Unlock rewards, discounts, & even NFTs.

eXplorins reboots tourism loyalty with Web 3.0. Earn tokens for sustainable choices, supporting local businesses and the environment. Unlock rewards, discounts, & even NFTs.

Angela Bustillos, CMO & Co-Founder at eXplorins, presented a novel approach to tourism loyalty programmes, leveraging Web 3.0 technologies to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem for travellers, businesses and the environment. This innovative system departs from the limitations of traditional points-based programmes, introducing a new era of transparency, engagement and sustainability.

Designing a loyalty system is a complex process, where high cost and low scalability often result in limited perceived value for small businesses. Meanwhile, interoperability and integration challenges pose additional barriers. Such a variety of challenges makes it hard for SMEs, the backbone of the tourism industry, to obtain long-term loyalty from visitors. This is where Web 3.0 technologies, the next iteration of the internet, can play a crucial role in overcoming barriers and connecting local brands with a much wider partner ecosystem.

eXplorins' loyalty system utilises tokens, a digital currency earned by taking sustainable actions, such as visiting local businesses, participating in cultural events or even scanning a QR code at an eco-friendly restaurant. These tokens hold real value, allowing visitors to unlock exclusive experiences, discounts or merchandise. This innovative approach to tourism loyalty programmes isn't just about collecting points; it's about creating a meaningful connection between travellers and local communities while remaining conscious of the environmental impact.

Web 3.0 emphasises decentralisation and user ownership. This is achieved through a network of interconnected applications and services facilitated by APIs. By leveraging blockchain, a secure and transparent digital ledger, travellers have complete control over their earned tokens. Businesses, too, benefit from a more efficient and secure system for managing their loyalty programmes.

Key functionalities of the programme include:

  • The Power of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Angela briefly mentioned plans for integrating NFTs into the programme. This gives possibilities, such as owning a unique digital artwork showcasing a sustainable travel journey or using NFTs for exclusive access to events or locations.
  • Blockchain Underpins Everything: This decentralised system eliminates the risk of fraud and empowers businesses to manage their programmes efficiently.

However, the benefits extend beyond the user experience. By supporting local businesses and encouraging sustainable practices, eXplorins' loyalty system fosters a positive impact on the whole tourism industry. Businesses can avoid hefty booking fees typically charged by online travel agents, reinvesting those savings into local communities and eco-friendly initiatives.

Illustrating the programme's potential, Angela showcased examples of eXplorins' loyalty system in action:

  • The Catalan Tourism Board's pilot programme, launched at the Mobile World Congress, rewards tourists for making sustainable choices.
  • Fox House, a charming reformed castle, uses the system to promote local art and products through a web app that geolocalises activities on a map.

Key Takeaways

  • Travel with Purpose: Loyalty programmes don't just have to be about obtaining points and rewards. Instead, with an increasing desire from visitors for sustainability, they can be an enabler of meaningful connections between travellers and locals.
  • Tech-Driven Experiences: New technologies can play a crucial role in overcoming barriers to developing loyalty programmes and help connect a wide ecosystem of partners. This can reduce reliance on expensive booking platforms and facilitate the reinvestment of profits into local communities.
  • Transparency and Trust: Blockchain technology ensures a secure and tamper-proof system, fostering trust between travellers and businesses. Meanwhile, NFTs add a layer of gamification and engagement, making travel more interactive and rewarding.

Published on:
May 2024
About the contributor

Angela Bustillos

Angela Bustillos is the CMO and Co-founder of eXplorins. Angela is more about the experience and about the utility. So for that, we connect and use new technologies, such as augmented reality, blockchain, Web3, geolocalisation, and so on, to achieve the objective of the product, but also to achieve sustainability.


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