Collaborative Initiatives

Destinations are getting smarter with partner marketing.

Data has become a major priority for nearly all destinations, with many making some of their most significant investments in recent years in this area.

Data has become a major priority for nearly all destinations, with many making some of their most significant investments in recent years in this area.

Destinations succeeding by getting everyone to adopt a shared vision.

Collaboration is one of the most important strengths of our industry. Unlike other industries where sharing often seems counterproductive, in tourism sharing is all about growing together competitively. Destinations often work with other destinations, especially competitor destinations, to expand audiences, align common interests and tap-into each other’s interest segments. It is surprisingly logical.

At an industry level, destinations who successfully bring their industry together to collaborate, see much stronger cohesion which can support collective brand efforts through storytelling or a joined-up approach to product and experience development.

Destination Storytelling & Brand Development

For many destinations, strengthening the image of the destination through collective storytelling has been a really competitive strength during the last few years, where social media has been the dominant factor in building the destination’s brand.

Those destinations who have successfully brought their industry together to collectively tell its story have been able to continually build a narrative and story around the destination which is authentic, as it is told through the different perspectives of the industry. When the different businesses commit themselves to telling the destination story as a whole, by focusing on the same brand themes, content calendar and topical highlights.

Product & Experience Development

With a new focus on ‘experiences’, this new frontier is an opportunity for the destination to renew its product offering, whilst working with local businesses to establish a renewed, more locally authentic product offering which taps into the trend towards experiential and transformational travel.

Today consumers are seeking experiences which leave a mark on them, as interest shifts away from major attractions and sightseeing towards getting to know, live and see the city like a local. This is a great opportunity for businesses of a wide range, both in and outside of tourism, working together to conceptualise exciting new concepts which can offer something truly transformational for visitors tapping into this demand and showing the potential in collaboration.

Data has become a major priority for nearly all destinations, with many making some of their most significant investments in recent years in this area.

Destinations succeeding by getting everyone to adopt a shared vision.

Collaboration is one of the most important strengths of our industry. Unlike other industries where sharing often seems counterproductive, in tourism sharing is all about growing together competitively. Destinations often work with other destinations, especially competitor destinations, to expand audiences, align common interests and tap-into each other’s interest segments. It is surprisingly logical.

At an industry level, destinations who successfully bring their industry together to collaborate, see much stronger cohesion which can support collective brand efforts through storytelling or a joined-up approach to product and experience development.

Destination Storytelling & Brand Development

For many destinations, strengthening the image of the destination through collective storytelling has been a really competitive strength during the last few years, where social media has been the dominant factor in building the destination’s brand.

Those destinations who have successfully brought their industry together to collectively tell its story have been able to continually build a narrative and story around the destination which is authentic, as it is told through the different perspectives of the industry. When the different businesses commit themselves to telling the destination story as a whole, by focusing on the same brand themes, content calendar and topical highlights.

Product & Experience Development

With a new focus on ‘experiences’, this new frontier is an opportunity for the destination to renew its product offering, whilst working with local businesses to establish a renewed, more locally authentic product offering which taps into the trend towards experiential and transformational travel.

Today consumers are seeking experiences which leave a mark on them, as interest shifts away from major attractions and sightseeing towards getting to know, live and see the city like a local. This is a great opportunity for businesses of a wide range, both in and outside of tourism, working together to conceptualise exciting new concepts which can offer something truly transformational for visitors tapping into this demand and showing the potential in collaboration.