Expedia Group
2023 Traveller Value Index.webp2023 Traveller Value Index.webp

2023 Traveller Value Index

March 2023

This report is a snapshot of today’s traveller preferences—what has been permanently changed by the pandemic, what were temporary reactions and what is still evolving. Despite lingering staffing and service challenges and newer concerns around inflation, there is reason to be optimistic. People see travel as an important priority in their lives, business and international trips are resuming and those of us in travel are working together to deliver great traveller experiences.


  1. A note from out president
  2. Overview
  3. Permanent preferences
  4. Temporary trends
  5. Fluctuating factors
  6. How to take action
  7. Methodology
  8. About Expedia Group

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2023 Traveller Value Index

March 2023

This report is a snapshot of today’s traveller preferences—what has been permanently changed by the pandemic, what were temporary reactions and what is still evolving. Despite lingering staffing and service challenges and newer concerns around inflation, there is reason to be optimistic. People see travel as an important priority in their lives, business and international trips are resuming and those of us in travel are working together to deliver great traveller experiences.


  1. A note from out president
  2. Overview
  3. Permanent preferences
  4. Temporary trends
  5. Fluctuating factors
  6. How to take action
  7. Methodology
  8. About Expedia Group