Destination Ontario

2024 - 2027 Strategic Playbook

June 2024
Destination Strategy

Destination Ontario is the lead tourism marketing organization for Ontario, Canada, marketing Ontario to travel consumers within the province, across the country and around the world.

This Playbook is Destination Ontario’s strategy to make a significant impact on the tourism industry over the next three years and beyond. It marries the understanding of the past with the vision for the future and provides a clear commitment to excellence in marketing and dedication to collaboration and partnership.

The Playbook is intentional in choosing priorities that reflect where Destination Ontario is best positioned to lead and where success is vital. The development of the Playbook was guided by stakeholder consultation, market intelligence, consumer insights, research and staff input. Destination Ontario will pursue its commitment, striving to adapt and excel in the face of an ever-evolving tourism landscape. Destination Ontario understands that any measure of success will be achieved through collaboration and teamwork and is driven to accomplish great things together.

This Playbook is a three-year Strategic Plan, which is aligned with the fiscal planning cycles commencing April 2024 to March 2027. It highlights major priorities and supporting initiatives that will drive the work. It will guide the development of Marketing and Business Plans, which result in annual programs and activities aligned to the Playbook. The priorities and initiatives are intended to set the organization on a path for long-term success and provide strong value for money.

When the previous Playbook was published in 2018, the world was a dramatically different place. Since then, Destination Ontario has adapted to become more nimble in making decisions and modernizing efforts in the face of unprecedented challenges and profound uncertainty. Accelerating technological advancements, evolving consumer preferences, rising geopolitical tensions and an uncertain economic outlook have converged to define the present context and shape the future. It is Destination Ontario’s duty to ensure that the organization is ready to adapt to the changing external pressures facing the organization and to grow the value of tourism in the province.

Destination Ontario has been an innovative marketer and trusted partner to Ontario’s tourism sector for more than 25 years. The Playbook is committed to continuing that role and bolstering provincial tourism through marketing strategies and increasing the tourism value across Ontario.

Post-pandemic, the tourism industry continues to grapple with challenges. On a positive note, Ontario is beginning to see a gradual rebound in tourism activity. Destination Ontario will thoughtfully execute the 2024–2027 Playbook, achieve the four Strategic Priorities and continue to deliver on the Mandate, Vision and Mission.

The Playbook must be comprehensive in order to rebound tourism in Ontario to pre-pandemic levels. Destination Ontario is committed and will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming (Ministry) to support its priorities and align efforts. Additionally, Destination Ontario works collaboratively with the industry, including Destination Canada, Regional Tourism Organizations (RTOs), Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), sector associations, tourism businesses and other partners to maximize marketing opportunities and recovery efforts. Destination Ontario will continue to target priority markets with a strong return to drive economic impact, deliver tourism revenue and support Ontario tourism businesses.

Destination Ontario will rely on the Playbook to guide its marketing strategies to support increasing visitation and generating increased tourism expenditures.


  1. Introduction
  2. Who We Are
  3. The Strategy At A Glance
  4. Four Strategic Priorities

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2024 - 2027 Strategic Playbook

June 2024
Destination Strategy

Destination Ontario is the lead tourism marketing organization for Ontario, Canada, marketing Ontario to travel consumers within the province, across the country and around the world.

This Playbook is Destination Ontario’s strategy to make a significant impact on the tourism industry over the next three years and beyond. It marries the understanding of the past with the vision for the future and provides a clear commitment to excellence in marketing and dedication to collaboration and partnership.

The Playbook is intentional in choosing priorities that reflect where Destination Ontario is best positioned to lead and where success is vital. The development of the Playbook was guided by stakeholder consultation, market intelligence, consumer insights, research and staff input. Destination Ontario will pursue its commitment, striving to adapt and excel in the face of an ever-evolving tourism landscape. Destination Ontario understands that any measure of success will be achieved through collaboration and teamwork and is driven to accomplish great things together.

This Playbook is a three-year Strategic Plan, which is aligned with the fiscal planning cycles commencing April 2024 to March 2027. It highlights major priorities and supporting initiatives that will drive the work. It will guide the development of Marketing and Business Plans, which result in annual programs and activities aligned to the Playbook. The priorities and initiatives are intended to set the organization on a path for long-term success and provide strong value for money.

When the previous Playbook was published in 2018, the world was a dramatically different place. Since then, Destination Ontario has adapted to become more nimble in making decisions and modernizing efforts in the face of unprecedented challenges and profound uncertainty. Accelerating technological advancements, evolving consumer preferences, rising geopolitical tensions and an uncertain economic outlook have converged to define the present context and shape the future. It is Destination Ontario’s duty to ensure that the organization is ready to adapt to the changing external pressures facing the organization and to grow the value of tourism in the province.

Destination Ontario has been an innovative marketer and trusted partner to Ontario’s tourism sector for more than 25 years. The Playbook is committed to continuing that role and bolstering provincial tourism through marketing strategies and increasing the tourism value across Ontario.

Post-pandemic, the tourism industry continues to grapple with challenges. On a positive note, Ontario is beginning to see a gradual rebound in tourism activity. Destination Ontario will thoughtfully execute the 2024–2027 Playbook, achieve the four Strategic Priorities and continue to deliver on the Mandate, Vision and Mission.

The Playbook must be comprehensive in order to rebound tourism in Ontario to pre-pandemic levels. Destination Ontario is committed and will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming (Ministry) to support its priorities and align efforts. Additionally, Destination Ontario works collaboratively with the industry, including Destination Canada, Regional Tourism Organizations (RTOs), Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), sector associations, tourism businesses and other partners to maximize marketing opportunities and recovery efforts. Destination Ontario will continue to target priority markets with a strong return to drive economic impact, deliver tourism revenue and support Ontario tourism businesses.

Destination Ontario will rely on the Playbook to guide its marketing strategies to support increasing visitation and generating increased tourism expenditures.


  1. Introduction
  2. Who We Are
  3. The Strategy At A Glance
  4. Four Strategic Priorities