Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) and CWT

2024 Global Business Travel Forecast

August 2023

We have been benchmarking demand and pricing for 2023 and 2024, versus business travel three years ago to better understand the current state of the industry. However, the world has changed dramatically, with many in the industry questioning what the future holds.

Astounding price rises, defying most predictions, are now the norm. Elevated costs look set to stay with us in the year ahead, but with muted increases going forward. This new era could reflect today’s true cost of business travel. However, these changing industry dynamics offer a potentially generational opportunity to shift expectations in terms of how much it should cost to travel for business and how the industry should address this shift.


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  5. A New Approach
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2024 Global Business Travel Forecast

August 2023

We have been benchmarking demand and pricing for 2023 and 2024, versus business travel three years ago to better understand the current state of the industry. However, the world has changed dramatically, with many in the industry questioning what the future holds.

Astounding price rises, defying most predictions, are now the norm. Elevated costs look set to stay with us in the year ahead, but with muted increases going forward. This new era could reflect today’s true cost of business travel. However, these changing industry dynamics offer a potentially generational opportunity to shift expectations in terms of how much it should cost to travel for business and how the industry should address this shift.


  1. Foreword
  2. About this Forecast
  3. View from 30,000 Feet
  4. Sector Analysis
  5. A New Approach
  6. Forecast Details