North Yorkshire Council

A Destination Management Plan for North Yorkshire

January 2023
Destination Strategy

Destination management is a process of leading, influencing and coordinating the management of all aspects of a destination that contribute to a visitor’s experience, taking account of the needs of visitors, residents, businesses, and the environment.

It is equivalent to a strategy and action plan for sustainable tourism in a destination and joins all key stakeholders in a shared statement of intent to manage the destination over a stated period, articulating their individual roles identifying clear actions, and importantly, identifying resources.

The vision for North Yorkshire’s visitor economy is to create a vibrant, thriving, year-round visitor destination; offering sustainable growth for the visitor economy coupled with significant opportunities to improve the current offer and develop new, meaningful experiences, events, and products.

The overall aspiration is to increase the value of tourism and economic benefits to North Yorkshire, with the visitor economy being a substantial driver of sustainable economic growth.

Growth Targets

Our targets for growth for the lifetime of this plan (based on Visit England pre-covid 2019 figures) will be:

  • 4% growth between now and 2025 - £1.62bn
  • 5% growth between 2026 and 2030 - £2bn
  • To grow the number of overnight visitors to more than 20% of all visits


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Strategic Alignment
  4. Value of Tourism
  5. Destination Audit and Current Position
  6. Priorities, Opportunities and Actions
  7. Monitoring and Management
  8. Annexes

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A Destination Management Plan for North Yorkshire

January 2023
Destination Strategy

Destination management is a process of leading, influencing and coordinating the management of all aspects of a destination that contribute to a visitor’s experience, taking account of the needs of visitors, residents, businesses, and the environment.

It is equivalent to a strategy and action plan for sustainable tourism in a destination and joins all key stakeholders in a shared statement of intent to manage the destination over a stated period, articulating their individual roles identifying clear actions, and importantly, identifying resources.

The vision for North Yorkshire’s visitor economy is to create a vibrant, thriving, year-round visitor destination; offering sustainable growth for the visitor economy coupled with significant opportunities to improve the current offer and develop new, meaningful experiences, events, and products.

The overall aspiration is to increase the value of tourism and economic benefits to North Yorkshire, with the visitor economy being a substantial driver of sustainable economic growth.

Growth Targets

Our targets for growth for the lifetime of this plan (based on Visit England pre-covid 2019 figures) will be:

  • 4% growth between now and 2025 - £1.62bn
  • 5% growth between 2026 and 2030 - £2bn
  • To grow the number of overnight visitors to more than 20% of all visits


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Strategic Alignment
  4. Value of Tourism
  5. Destination Audit and Current Position
  6. Priorities, Opportunities and Actions
  7. Monitoring and Management
  8. Annexes