Destination Canada
A regenerative approach thumbnial.pngA regenerative approach thumbnial.png

A Regenerative Approach to Tourism in Canada

November 2023
Destination Strategy

Change is unending and so is the evolution of Canada’s tourism sector. As the world emerges from the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have an opportunity to reflect on what it will take to cultivate the conditions for a more resilient and thriving sector in the future—one that is capable of continually regenerating people, place, and our collective prosperity over time. Our challenges looking forward are profoundly complex. To succeed will take a more integrated systems approach where value is created together with other people, other organizations, and the natural ecologies that sustain us all, rather than extracting value from them as expendable resources. This will require letting go of existing ways of thinking and doing.

In this way, Canada’s tourism sector has an opportunity to be the change the world aspires to see happen. Tourism—viewed from the perspective of hosts welcoming guests into their communities—has potential to be a catalytic force in the transformation of Canada’s economy and social fabric, helping to put the country onto a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous trajectory by:

  • Reconnecting people with each other nurturing mutual benefit across geographies, industries, cultures;
  • Reconnecting people with nature—reawakening us to our interdependence within a larger living system, adding value without extraction; and
  • Elevating the role of communities of all sizes discovering their inherent potential, weaving purpose, place, people, and profit together again.

Many in the tourism sector were coming to this realization prior to the pandemic and were already beginning to chart a new, more regenerative path. To build on that important groundwork and cultivate the conditions for a wider transformation of the sector to emerge, we’re going to need support from experienced guides and from each other. This endeavour will require courage and commitment. But everything is at stake. With this as the scope of our intentions, this guide to action offers an invitation to embark together on this journey, knowing that it will require adaptation by each of us, at every level of the hosting economy ecosystem.


  1. Introduction
  2. Why a new approach?
  3. What does it mean to be Regenerative?
  4. How do we practice regeneration?
  5. How will we know we are making progress?
  6. Where do we go from here?
  7. Conclusion

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A Regenerative Approach to Tourism in Canada

November 2023
Destination Strategy

Change is unending and so is the evolution of Canada’s tourism sector. As the world emerges from the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have an opportunity to reflect on what it will take to cultivate the conditions for a more resilient and thriving sector in the future—one that is capable of continually regenerating people, place, and our collective prosperity over time. Our challenges looking forward are profoundly complex. To succeed will take a more integrated systems approach where value is created together with other people, other organizations, and the natural ecologies that sustain us all, rather than extracting value from them as expendable resources. This will require letting go of existing ways of thinking and doing.

In this way, Canada’s tourism sector has an opportunity to be the change the world aspires to see happen. Tourism—viewed from the perspective of hosts welcoming guests into their communities—has potential to be a catalytic force in the transformation of Canada’s economy and social fabric, helping to put the country onto a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous trajectory by:

  • Reconnecting people with each other nurturing mutual benefit across geographies, industries, cultures;
  • Reconnecting people with nature—reawakening us to our interdependence within a larger living system, adding value without extraction; and
  • Elevating the role of communities of all sizes discovering their inherent potential, weaving purpose, place, people, and profit together again.

Many in the tourism sector were coming to this realization prior to the pandemic and were already beginning to chart a new, more regenerative path. To build on that important groundwork and cultivate the conditions for a wider transformation of the sector to emerge, we’re going to need support from experienced guides and from each other. This endeavour will require courage and commitment. But everything is at stake. With this as the scope of our intentions, this guide to action offers an invitation to embark together on this journey, knowing that it will require adaptation by each of us, at every level of the hosting economy ecosystem.


  1. Introduction
  2. Why a new approach?
  3. What does it mean to be Regenerative?
  4. How do we practice regeneration?
  5. How will we know we are making progress?
  6. Where do we go from here?
  7. Conclusion