Expedia Group Media Solutions
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Advertising Solutions for the Traveler Purchasing Journey

February 2024

The resources travelers use to find inspiration, research, and book trips have changed in recent years, including the content that influences their purchasing decisions.

These days, travelers get recommendations from family, friends, and social media and turn to various online sources before making a choice.

The result is a complex purchasing journey with multiple touchpoints for advertisers toinfluence and engage with travelers.

It's clear the path that travelers take to book a trip isn’t linear, so a successful advertising strategy is one that reaches travelers throughout their purchasing journey. Our Path to Purchase study with Luth Research found that 46% of travelers were influenced by advertising that highlighted promotions or travel ideas — one of many findings emphasizing the importance of an informed campaign that gets in front of the right traveler at the right time.

To help you connect with and convert travelers across Expedia Group’s more than 200 travel websites and apps, we’ve outlined how our advertising solutions can support your objectives throughout each stage of the traveler’s purchasing journey:

• Inspiration

• Research and planning

• Booking


  1. Inspiration
  2. Research and planning
  3. Booking

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Advertising Solutions for the Traveler Purchasing Journey

February 2024

The resources travelers use to find inspiration, research, and book trips have changed in recent years, including the content that influences their purchasing decisions.

These days, travelers get recommendations from family, friends, and social media and turn to various online sources before making a choice.

The result is a complex purchasing journey with multiple touchpoints for advertisers toinfluence and engage with travelers.

It's clear the path that travelers take to book a trip isn’t linear, so a successful advertising strategy is one that reaches travelers throughout their purchasing journey. Our Path to Purchase study with Luth Research found that 46% of travelers were influenced by advertising that highlighted promotions or travel ideas — one of many findings emphasizing the importance of an informed campaign that gets in front of the right traveler at the right time.

To help you connect with and convert travelers across Expedia Group’s more than 200 travel websites and apps, we’ve outlined how our advertising solutions can support your objectives throughout each stage of the traveler’s purchasing journey:

• Inspiration

• Research and planning

• Booking


  1. Inspiration
  2. Research and planning
  3. Booking