The Data Appeal Company
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All Italian Data: 2023 Report

September 2023

The Italy Digital Destination Award is the nation's first and only recognition dedicated to honouring Italian regions that have achieved the highest online performance in the past year. Developed and managed by The Data Appeal Company since 2016, this award is granted based on an extensive analysis of billions of pieces of online content and conversations about accommodation properties, attractions, and food and beverage establishments. This information is then combined with industry trends, visitor flows, and hotel and flight reservations, including prices. The outcome is the most thorough and detailed analysis of the current state of Italy's tourism offerings, as experienced and described by its visitors.

The most recent edition, #IDD2023 has been thoroughly revised and broadened across multiple platforms and sectors, staying informed about the latest trends in Italian tourism.


  1. Hospitality Analysis
  2. Short-term rental analysis
  3. Food and beverage analysis
  4. Attraction Analysis
  5. Methodology

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All Italian Data: 2023 Report

September 2023

The Italy Digital Destination Award is the nation's first and only recognition dedicated to honouring Italian regions that have achieved the highest online performance in the past year. Developed and managed by The Data Appeal Company since 2016, this award is granted based on an extensive analysis of billions of pieces of online content and conversations about accommodation properties, attractions, and food and beverage establishments. This information is then combined with industry trends, visitor flows, and hotel and flight reservations, including prices. The outcome is the most thorough and detailed analysis of the current state of Italy's tourism offerings, as experienced and described by its visitors.

The most recent edition, #IDD2023 has been thoroughly revised and broadened across multiple platforms and sectors, staying informed about the latest trends in Italian tourism.


  1. Hospitality Analysis
  2. Short-term rental analysis
  3. Food and beverage analysis
  4. Attraction Analysis
  5. Methodology