Tourism Economics
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Assessing the potential impacts of the GCC Unified Visa

November 2023
Policy Guidelines

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have announced that a unified tourist visa will be implemented in the next two years, giving tourists greater access to all six Gulf countries as part of the GCC 2030 programme. Specific policy details are yet to be confirmed but a positive impact on travel demand across the region is expected. The introduction of the new unified visa aims to streamline travel in the region, similar to successful visa integration schemes in other parts of the world, such as the European Schengen area. This will increase the area's attractiveness, make travel permission easier to obtain and increase the region's potential as a multi-stop travel destination.

The GCC 2030 program aims to position tourism as a vital element of the region's economy, seeking to expand intra-GCC and international travel. This agreement reflects existing domestic policies of several GCC states, particularly Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, who are significantly investing in tourism projects and implementing policy changes to increase the contributions from the tourism sector to GDP as part of a long-term strategy to diversify their economies from the current dependency on natural resources.


  1. A new unified visa for the GCC
  2. Learning from global visa policy success
  3. Anticipating the unified visa's impact on GCC tourism

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Assessing the potential impacts of the GCC Unified Visa

November 2023
Policy Guidelines

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have announced that a unified tourist visa will be implemented in the next two years, giving tourists greater access to all six Gulf countries as part of the GCC 2030 programme. Specific policy details are yet to be confirmed but a positive impact on travel demand across the region is expected. The introduction of the new unified visa aims to streamline travel in the region, similar to successful visa integration schemes in other parts of the world, such as the European Schengen area. This will increase the area's attractiveness, make travel permission easier to obtain and increase the region's potential as a multi-stop travel destination.

The GCC 2030 program aims to position tourism as a vital element of the region's economy, seeking to expand intra-GCC and international travel. This agreement reflects existing domestic policies of several GCC states, particularly Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, who are significantly investing in tourism projects and implementing policy changes to increase the contributions from the tourism sector to GDP as part of a long-term strategy to diversify their economies from the current dependency on natural resources.


  1. A new unified visa for the GCC
  2. Learning from global visa policy success
  3. Anticipating the unified visa's impact on GCC tourism