Dublin City Council
Attitudes to tourism iin dublin tn.webpAttitudes to tourism iin dublin tn.webp

Attitudes to Tourism in Dublin: Survey Results - Executive Summary

June 2023

6.8 out of 10 is the average life satisfaction score among respondents. This is up slightly from 6.7 measured in March 2023. Life satisfaction is highest among over 65s (7.6 out of 10). Life Satisfaction is higher among those with higher incomes.

Reasons for Tourists to Visit Dublin

The top five reasons for tourists to visit Dublin, according to residents, were:

• Dublin’s pub scene

• Dublin’s history

• Dublin’s culture

• Dublin’s literary heritage/events

• Dublin’s people

Making Dublin More Appealing to Tourists

• Making Dublin more affordable, improving public transport, addressing safety concerns and improving cleanliness were the top four suggestions for making Dublin more appealing to tourists.

Engaging in Activities

• Dubliners are very likely to engage in many activities in Dublin, the top five being:

• Eating out in a restaurant (94% at least once in the past 12 months)

• Walking around the city (93%)

• Shopping in the city (91%)

• Going to the pub (87%)

• Visiting a sight / attraction in Dublin (84%)

Getting To and From Activities

• Those engaging in activities were most likely to use:

• Dublin Bus (80%)

• Walk (72%)

• Luas (59%)

• Private Car (57%)

• DART (45%)

Interacting with Tourists

• 61% of respondents indicated that they interact with tourists. 19% have interactions at least weekly.

• 87% of these described their interactions with tourists as somewhat or very positive

Areas of Dublin and Tourism

• Respondents felt that the areas of Dublin benefiting most from Dublin were the city centre / between the canals.

• Respondents mentioned many areas that they felt tourists should be made more aware of. The most commonly

mentioned were areas along the coastline / DART line.

Impacts of Tourism

• 92% of respondents felt that international tourism is good for Dublin.

• 96% felt that domestic tourism is good for Dublin.

Impacts of Tourism

• The majority of respondents felt that tourism had a positive impact on the following aspects of Dublin:

• The local economy (92% positive)

• The preservation and showcasing of historical heritage (85%)

• The atmosphere and entertainment in the city (78%)

• The cultural activities on offer (78%)

• The leisure activities on offer (62%)

Problems Caused by Tourism

• 54% of respondents reported no problems caused by tourism in Dublin. 36% indicated that they experience problems at certain times of the year. 11% experienced problems most of the year.

• Among those experiencing problems, crowding (69%), cost of living (56%), housing prices (55%), problems with cleanliness / waste (47%) and depopulation of the city centre (45%) were the most commonly indicated problems caused by tourism.

Proud of Dublin

• 55% of respondents indicated that they would feel proud of Dublin if showing someone around. This was highest among over 65s at 72%

Community and Neighbourhood Involvement in Tourism Development

- When asked how local communities can be more involved in the tourism development process in Dublin, the most common suggestions related to:

• Local initiatives like walking tours / markets / fairs / music events etc.

• Local clean-ups / Tidy Towns

• Being more involved in consultation re development

• Advertising / promoting local events

Suggesting Places to Stay

• 71% of respondents said that a friend visiting Dublin could stay with them. 54% said that they would suggest a hotel, 31% would suggest a traditional B&B, 18% a short-term let and 8% a hostel.

Hosting Visitors to Dublin

• 83% of respondents indicated that they host family or friends at least once a year

• 42% had hosted international tourists in the past 12 months

• 45% had hosted domestic tourists in the past 12 months

Sustainable Tourism

• 70% of respondents were familiar with the term “sustainable tourism”

• 34% felt that tourism in Dublin is somewhat or very sustainable

Technology and the Tourist Offering in Dublin

• 33% of respondents felt that technology is used reasonably or very well to add to the tourist offering in Dublin

• Suggestions for using technology to add to the tourist offering in Dublin included “Improved public transport app”, “Easier payment on public transport”, “A Dublin app – with activities / what’s on / discounts” an “Augmented reality / interactive experiences”

Vision for the Future of Tourism in Dublin

• When asked to describe their vision for the future of tourism in Dublin, the descriptions commonly included reference to:

• Affordable / good value destination

• A city that is easy to get around

• A safe / family-friendly city

• A city with a rich cultural heritage

• A clean city

• A sustainable / environmentally friendly visitor experience


  1. Summary
  2. Introduction and Respondent Profile
  3. Life Satisfaction
  4. Reasons for Tourists to Visit Dublin
  5. What Would Make Dublin More Appealing to Tourists?
  6. Engaging in Activities
  7. Getting To and From Activities
  8. Interacting with Tourists
  9. Areas of Dublin Benefitting Most from Tourism
  10. Areas of Dublin Tourists Should be Made More Aware of
  11. Impacts of Tourism
  12. Any Problems Caused by Tourism
  13. Proud of Dublin
  14. Local Community and Tourism
  15. Suggesting Places to Stay
  16. Hosting Visitors to Dublin
  17. Sustainable Tourism
  18. Technology and the Tourist Offering in Dublin
  19. Your Vision for the Future of Tourism in Dublin

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Attitudes to Tourism in Dublin: Survey Results - Executive Summary

June 2023

6.8 out of 10 is the average life satisfaction score among respondents. This is up slightly from 6.7 measured in March 2023. Life satisfaction is highest among over 65s (7.6 out of 10). Life Satisfaction is higher among those with higher incomes.

Reasons for Tourists to Visit Dublin

The top five reasons for tourists to visit Dublin, according to residents, were:

• Dublin’s pub scene

• Dublin’s history

• Dublin’s culture

• Dublin’s literary heritage/events

• Dublin’s people

Making Dublin More Appealing to Tourists

• Making Dublin more affordable, improving public transport, addressing safety concerns and improving cleanliness were the top four suggestions for making Dublin more appealing to tourists.

Engaging in Activities

• Dubliners are very likely to engage in many activities in Dublin, the top five being:

• Eating out in a restaurant (94% at least once in the past 12 months)

• Walking around the city (93%)

• Shopping in the city (91%)

• Going to the pub (87%)

• Visiting a sight / attraction in Dublin (84%)

Getting To and From Activities

• Those engaging in activities were most likely to use:

• Dublin Bus (80%)

• Walk (72%)

• Luas (59%)

• Private Car (57%)

• DART (45%)

Interacting with Tourists

• 61% of respondents indicated that they interact with tourists. 19% have interactions at least weekly.

• 87% of these described their interactions with tourists as somewhat or very positive

Areas of Dublin and Tourism

• Respondents felt that the areas of Dublin benefiting most from Dublin were the city centre / between the canals.

• Respondents mentioned many areas that they felt tourists should be made more aware of. The most commonly

mentioned were areas along the coastline / DART line.

Impacts of Tourism

• 92% of respondents felt that international tourism is good for Dublin.

• 96% felt that domestic tourism is good for Dublin.

Impacts of Tourism

• The majority of respondents felt that tourism had a positive impact on the following aspects of Dublin:

• The local economy (92% positive)

• The preservation and showcasing of historical heritage (85%)

• The atmosphere and entertainment in the city (78%)

• The cultural activities on offer (78%)

• The leisure activities on offer (62%)

Problems Caused by Tourism

• 54% of respondents reported no problems caused by tourism in Dublin. 36% indicated that they experience problems at certain times of the year. 11% experienced problems most of the year.

• Among those experiencing problems, crowding (69%), cost of living (56%), housing prices (55%), problems with cleanliness / waste (47%) and depopulation of the city centre (45%) were the most commonly indicated problems caused by tourism.

Proud of Dublin

• 55% of respondents indicated that they would feel proud of Dublin if showing someone around. This was highest among over 65s at 72%

Community and Neighbourhood Involvement in Tourism Development

- When asked how local communities can be more involved in the tourism development process in Dublin, the most common suggestions related to:

• Local initiatives like walking tours / markets / fairs / music events etc.

• Local clean-ups / Tidy Towns

• Being more involved in consultation re development

• Advertising / promoting local events

Suggesting Places to Stay

• 71% of respondents said that a friend visiting Dublin could stay with them. 54% said that they would suggest a hotel, 31% would suggest a traditional B&B, 18% a short-term let and 8% a hostel.

Hosting Visitors to Dublin

• 83% of respondents indicated that they host family or friends at least once a year

• 42% had hosted international tourists in the past 12 months

• 45% had hosted domestic tourists in the past 12 months

Sustainable Tourism

• 70% of respondents were familiar with the term “sustainable tourism”

• 34% felt that tourism in Dublin is somewhat or very sustainable

Technology and the Tourist Offering in Dublin

• 33% of respondents felt that technology is used reasonably or very well to add to the tourist offering in Dublin

• Suggestions for using technology to add to the tourist offering in Dublin included “Improved public transport app”, “Easier payment on public transport”, “A Dublin app – with activities / what’s on / discounts” an “Augmented reality / interactive experiences”

Vision for the Future of Tourism in Dublin

• When asked to describe their vision for the future of tourism in Dublin, the descriptions commonly included reference to:

• Affordable / good value destination

• A city that is easy to get around

• A safe / family-friendly city

• A city with a rich cultural heritage

• A clean city

• A sustainable / environmentally friendly visitor experience


  1. Summary
  2. Introduction and Respondent Profile
  3. Life Satisfaction
  4. Reasons for Tourists to Visit Dublin
  5. What Would Make Dublin More Appealing to Tourists?
  6. Engaging in Activities
  7. Getting To and From Activities
  8. Interacting with Tourists
  9. Areas of Dublin Benefitting Most from Tourism
  10. Areas of Dublin Tourists Should be Made More Aware of
  11. Impacts of Tourism
  12. Any Problems Caused by Tourism
  13. Proud of Dublin
  14. Local Community and Tourism
  15. Suggesting Places to Stay
  16. Hosting Visitors to Dublin
  17. Sustainable Tourism
  18. Technology and the Tourist Offering in Dublin
  19. Your Vision for the Future of Tourism in Dublin