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Beyond Checking the Box: How to Create Business Value with Embedded Sustainability

February 2024

Are we hitting targets but missing the point?

Spending on sustainability reporting exceeds spending on sustainability innovation by 43%. Many organizations are approaching sustainability as an accounting or reporting exercise rather than a transformation play.

“Doing sustainability” does not equate to being more sustainable.

But organizations that embed sustainability throughout their operations show better sustainability and financial outcomes. They are 52% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability, with a 16% higher rate of revenue growth.

Tying sustainability to business value is key.

53% of organizations that embed sustainability say that business benefits are essential for justifying sustainability investments. And only 17% say meeting sustainability objectives is in itself sufficient to justify investment.


  1. Key takeaways
  2. Introduction
  3. What embedding sustainability looks like
  4. 3 key challenges to sustainable business value
  5. Bringing it all together: The Chief Sustainability Officer as change agent

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Beyond Checking the Box: How to Create Business Value with Embedded Sustainability

February 2024

Are we hitting targets but missing the point?

Spending on sustainability reporting exceeds spending on sustainability innovation by 43%. Many organizations are approaching sustainability as an accounting or reporting exercise rather than a transformation play.

“Doing sustainability” does not equate to being more sustainable.

But organizations that embed sustainability throughout their operations show better sustainability and financial outcomes. They are 52% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability, with a 16% higher rate of revenue growth.

Tying sustainability to business value is key.

53% of organizations that embed sustainability say that business benefits are essential for justifying sustainability investments. And only 17% say meeting sustainability objectives is in itself sufficient to justify investment.


  1. Key takeaways
  2. Introduction
  3. What embedding sustainability looks like
  4. 3 key challenges to sustainable business value
  5. Bringing it all together: The Chief Sustainability Officer as change agent