Business Travelers A Multi-Country Survey Report.webpBusiness Travelers A Multi-Country Survey Report.webp

Business Travelers: A Multi-Country Survey Report

May 2023

In this report we aim to explore business travelers’ attitudes towards new ways of working and traveling for business in the evolving environment influenced by the pandemic.


  1. Business Travel Highlights
  2. Business Travel Perception and Policy
  3. Work Arrangements and their Impact
  4. Business Travel and Sustainability
  5. Booking Trends: Flights
  6. Booking Trends: Accommodation
  7. In-Destination Travel Behaviour

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Business Travelers: A Multi-Country Survey Report

May 2023

In this report we aim to explore business travelers’ attitudes towards new ways of working and traveling for business in the evolving environment influenced by the pandemic.


  1. Business Travel Highlights
  2. Business Travel Perception and Policy
  3. Work Arrangements and their Impact
  4. Business Travel and Sustainability
  5. Booking Trends: Flights
  6. Booking Trends: Accommodation
  7. In-Destination Travel Behaviour