2023 Trends Book.webp2023 Trends Book.webp

2023 Trends Book

February 2023

The major trends discussed in this book are interrelated and complement each other. They should be seen as moving rather than immutable and fixed.

This is why the reflection does not stop here. Over the next year, the Transat Chair in Tourism team will follow the evolution of these major trends in order to guide and inspire players in the tourism industry in their strategic decision-making. Thus, many contents related to these trends will be published on the website of the Tourism Watch Network. Particular attention will be paid to the influence of major trends on the various business sectors as well as on the behavior of customer segments and geographic markets. In addition, the analysts of the Monitoring Network will continue to stay abreast of current events and best practices implemented here and elsewhere, and to document their observations.


  1. Hybrid Trends
  2. Experimentation
  3. Synergy
  4. Connection
  5. Accountability
  6. Conclusion
  7. Methodology
  8. Sources

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2023 Trends Book

February 2023

The major trends discussed in this book are interrelated and complement each other. They should be seen as moving rather than immutable and fixed.

This is why the reflection does not stop here. Over the next year, the Transat Chair in Tourism team will follow the evolution of these major trends in order to guide and inspire players in the tourism industry in their strategic decision-making. Thus, many contents related to these trends will be published on the website of the Tourism Watch Network. Particular attention will be paid to the influence of major trends on the various business sectors as well as on the behavior of customer segments and geographic markets. In addition, the analysts of the Monitoring Network will continue to stay abreast of current events and best practices implemented here and elsewhere, and to document their observations.


  1. Hybrid Trends
  2. Experimentation
  3. Synergy
  4. Connection
  5. Accountability
  6. Conclusion
  7. Methodology
  8. Sources