City of London
City of London Cultural Strategy 2019.webpCity of London Cultural Strategy 2019.webp

City of London Cultural Strategy 2018-2022

May 2018

Between 2018–22 we want to...

  1. Transform the City’s public realm and physical infrastructure, making it a more open, distinct, welcoming and culturally vibrant destination
  2. Develop Culture Mile in the northwest of the City which will become an exciting destination for London and act as a catalyst for change across the rest of the Square Mile
  3. Support cultural excellence in a range of fields and champion an ethos of creative risk-taking, innovation and artistic citizenship
  4. Support the delivery of the City of London’s Education Strategy by nurturing an exemplary Cultural Education Partnership, Culture Mile Learning, and enable our world-leading institutions to cultivate the creativity, skills and knowledge of the next generation
  5. Become a leading centre of the digital and creative economy and unlock the creative potential and resilience of individuals and businesses using our estate and resources
  6. Promote our cultural, heritage and creative strengths in the UK and abroad
  7. Better promote our world-class culture and heritage offer and use our wealth of outdoor spaces to widen its appeal to a more diverse audience, enabling communities in the City and beyond
  8. Work better with cultural organisations to build their capacity and engage with City businesses and employees, so that they can become more resilient
  9. Play our part as a catalyst and convener in supporting and connecting with the wider cultural ecology of the capital and the rest of the UK
  10. Develop clear leadership on culture: working with cultural partners to develop our skills, align our objectives, develop performance measures, communicate our impact and build our capacity to be more than the sum of our parts


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City of London Cultural Strategy 2018-2022

May 2018

Between 2018–22 we want to...

  1. Transform the City’s public realm and physical infrastructure, making it a more open, distinct, welcoming and culturally vibrant destination
  2. Develop Culture Mile in the northwest of the City which will become an exciting destination for London and act as a catalyst for change across the rest of the Square Mile
  3. Support cultural excellence in a range of fields and champion an ethos of creative risk-taking, innovation and artistic citizenship
  4. Support the delivery of the City of London’s Education Strategy by nurturing an exemplary Cultural Education Partnership, Culture Mile Learning, and enable our world-leading institutions to cultivate the creativity, skills and knowledge of the next generation
  5. Become a leading centre of the digital and creative economy and unlock the creative potential and resilience of individuals and businesses using our estate and resources
  6. Promote our cultural, heritage and creative strengths in the UK and abroad
  7. Better promote our world-class culture and heritage offer and use our wealth of outdoor spaces to widen its appeal to a more diverse audience, enabling communities in the City and beyond
  8. Work better with cultural organisations to build their capacity and engage with City businesses and employees, so that they can become more resilient
  9. Play our part as a catalyst and convener in supporting and connecting with the wider cultural ecology of the capital and the rest of the UK
  10. Develop clear leadership on culture: working with cultural partners to develop our skills, align our objectives, develop performance measures, communicate our impact and build our capacity to be more than the sum of our parts
