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Common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage Annual Report 2022 to 2023

February 2024

The common European data space for cultural heritage is the flagship initiative of the European Commission to accelerate the digital transformation of Europe’s cultural sector. The data space builds on the Europeana Digital Service Infrastructure (Europeana DSI) and the Europeana Strategy 2020- 2025.

The data space is deployed by a consortium of 19 partners from nine EU countries, coordinated by the Europeana Foundation. The work of the consortium is supported by the Europeana Network Association (ENA), a strong and democratic community with over 4,300 experts working in the field of digital heritage, and the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum (EAF), the network of national, domain and thematic aggregators who support cultural institutions providing data. Collaboratively, EF, ENA and EAF form the Europeana Initiative. The data space is overseen by the Member States in the framework of the Commission Expert Group on the Common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage (CEDCHE). Deployment and maintenance of the data space are organised in four strands of work:

1. Development and operation of the data space infrastructure

2. Integration of high-quality data

3. Capacity building and fostering reuse

4. Digital services for the public

This annual report describes work carried out under the data space from 1 Sep 2022 (M01) until 31 Aug 2023 (M12) based on the implementation plan (PM. Implementation plan M1). It also reports on budget and realisation as well as integrations of Generic Services projects.


  1. Foreword
  2. Introduction
  3. Data space infrastructure
  4. High-quality data
  5. Capacity building and reuse
  6. Digital services for the public
  7. Generic Services projects
  8. Budget and realisation

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Common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage Annual Report 2022 to 2023

February 2024

The common European data space for cultural heritage is the flagship initiative of the European Commission to accelerate the digital transformation of Europe’s cultural sector. The data space builds on the Europeana Digital Service Infrastructure (Europeana DSI) and the Europeana Strategy 2020- 2025.

The data space is deployed by a consortium of 19 partners from nine EU countries, coordinated by the Europeana Foundation. The work of the consortium is supported by the Europeana Network Association (ENA), a strong and democratic community with over 4,300 experts working in the field of digital heritage, and the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum (EAF), the network of national, domain and thematic aggregators who support cultural institutions providing data. Collaboratively, EF, ENA and EAF form the Europeana Initiative. The data space is overseen by the Member States in the framework of the Commission Expert Group on the Common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage (CEDCHE). Deployment and maintenance of the data space are organised in four strands of work:

1. Development and operation of the data space infrastructure

2. Integration of high-quality data

3. Capacity building and fostering reuse

4. Digital services for the public

This annual report describes work carried out under the data space from 1 Sep 2022 (M01) until 31 Aug 2023 (M12) based on the implementation plan (PM. Implementation plan M1). It also reports on budget and realisation as well as integrations of Generic Services projects.


  1. Foreword
  2. Introduction
  3. Data space infrastructure
  4. High-quality data
  5. Capacity building and reuse
  6. Digital services for the public
  7. Generic Services projects
  8. Budget and realisation