European Capital of Smart Tourism
2019/20 Best Practices.webp2019/20 Best Practices.webp

Compendium of Best Practices: 2019 & 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism Competitions

March 2020

The European Capital of Smart Tourism is an EU initiative. It was proposed as a preparatory action by the European Parliament and is being implemented by the European Commission since 2018. It gives European cities the opportunity to share their exemplary practices as smart tourism destinations and awards the titles of European Capital of Smart Tourism through an EU-wide competition to those cities that implement the most outstanding measures.

The initiative showcases exemplary practices by cities as tourism destinations in implementing innovative and intelligent solutions in four categories:

  • Accessibility
  • Sustainability
  • Digitalisation
  • Cultural Heritage & Creativity

In 2018, the European Commission launched the first EU-wide competition for the European Capital of Smart Tourism. 38 cities from 19 EU Member States submitted their applications to compete for the 2019 European Capital of Smart Tourism title. Helsinki (Finland) and Lyon (France) won the competition and were the 2019 European Capitals of Smart Tourism.

In 2019, the competition for the 2020 European Capitals of Smart Tourism was launched and 35 cities from 17 EU Member States submitted their applications. Gothenburg (Sweden) and Málaga (Spain) won the 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism titles.

The 2019 and 2020 collection of best practices compiled in this report has been derived from the applications the cities submitted to the two competitions. The report showcases the selection of best practices in each category (Accessibility, Sustainability, Digitalisation, Cultural heritage and creativity) and solely presents and relies on the data that the cities have submitted in their applications.

The purpose of this compendium is to enhance and facilitate the exchange of best practices in promoting innovative and smart measures and initiatives for tourism destinations in the EU Member States. The report aims to raise awareness about smart tourism tools, measures and projects, sharing the best tourism practices implemented by cities and strengthening peer-to-peer learning and innovative development of tourism in the EU in general.


  1. General Background
  2. Purpose of the compendium of best practices
  3. The 4 Categories of the competition making tourism smart
  4. Presenting best practices

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Compendium of Best Practices: 2019 & 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism Competitions

March 2020

The European Capital of Smart Tourism is an EU initiative. It was proposed as a preparatory action by the European Parliament and is being implemented by the European Commission since 2018. It gives European cities the opportunity to share their exemplary practices as smart tourism destinations and awards the titles of European Capital of Smart Tourism through an EU-wide competition to those cities that implement the most outstanding measures.

The initiative showcases exemplary practices by cities as tourism destinations in implementing innovative and intelligent solutions in four categories:

  • Accessibility
  • Sustainability
  • Digitalisation
  • Cultural Heritage & Creativity

In 2018, the European Commission launched the first EU-wide competition for the European Capital of Smart Tourism. 38 cities from 19 EU Member States submitted their applications to compete for the 2019 European Capital of Smart Tourism title. Helsinki (Finland) and Lyon (France) won the competition and were the 2019 European Capitals of Smart Tourism.

In 2019, the competition for the 2020 European Capitals of Smart Tourism was launched and 35 cities from 17 EU Member States submitted their applications. Gothenburg (Sweden) and Málaga (Spain) won the 2020 European Capital of Smart Tourism titles.

The 2019 and 2020 collection of best practices compiled in this report has been derived from the applications the cities submitted to the two competitions. The report showcases the selection of best practices in each category (Accessibility, Sustainability, Digitalisation, Cultural heritage and creativity) and solely presents and relies on the data that the cities have submitted in their applications.

The purpose of this compendium is to enhance and facilitate the exchange of best practices in promoting innovative and smart measures and initiatives for tourism destinations in the EU Member States. The report aims to raise awareness about smart tourism tools, measures and projects, sharing the best tourism practices implemented by cities and strengthening peer-to-peer learning and innovative development of tourism in the EU in general.


  1. General Background
  2. Purpose of the compendium of best practices
  3. The 4 Categories of the competition making tourism smart
  4. Presenting best practices