Govern de les Illes Balears / Conselleria de Tourisme i Esports
Comprehensive Tourism Plan for the Balearic Islands 2015-2025.webpComprehensive Tourism Plan for the Balearic Islands 2015-2025.webp

Comprehensive Tourism Plan for the Balearic Islands 2015-2025

January 2015
Destination Strategy

The INTEGRAL TOURISM PLAN 2012-2015 was established and defined as a model, the need to MODEL THE DEMAND as a STRATEGY to be developed in reference to tourism management by public administrations, due to the consequences that the concentration has on the public and private resources used:

  • with an underutilization of the same in the low season during which the installed resources are oversized and their oversaturation in the high season
  • the consequent displacement of the business equilibrium point, measured in units of time, very late in the year, which has a negative impact on the private sector


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Comprehensive Tourism Plan for the Balearic Islands 2015-2025

January 2015
Destination Strategy

The INTEGRAL TOURISM PLAN 2012-2015 was established and defined as a model, the need to MODEL THE DEMAND as a STRATEGY to be developed in reference to tourism management by public administrations, due to the consequences that the concentration has on the public and private resources used:

  • with an underutilization of the same in the low season during which the installed resources are oversized and their oversaturation in the high season
  • the consequent displacement of the business equilibrium point, measured in units of time, very late in the year, which has a negative impact on the private sector
