Cotec & Segittur
Employment and Competencies of the Future.webpEmployment and Competencies of the Future.webp

Employment and Competencies of the Future

April 2022
Policy Guidelines

This study analyzes the skills and occupations most in demand in the Spanish labor market since 1997. The results of the work help to know the groups at risk of exclusion and encourage their requalification to close gaps.


  1. What does this study look at
  2. Defined occupations and competencies
  3. Correspondence between occupations and competences
  4. Occupations and skills in Spain: demand and evolution
  5. People and jobs of the future
  6. What did we learn?

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Employment and Competencies of the Future

April 2022
Policy Guidelines

This study analyzes the skills and occupations most in demand in the Spanish labor market since 1997. The results of the work help to know the groups at risk of exclusion and encourage their requalification to close gaps.


  1. What does this study look at
  2. Defined occupations and competencies
  3. Correspondence between occupations and competences
  4. Occupations and skills in Spain: demand and evolution
  5. People and jobs of the future
  6. What did we learn?