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Framework Book for Sustainability in Tourism

April 2024

This workbook is based on the TrippleTM Framework. It guides you to make meaningful change step by step, with clear goals and actions according. The name Tripple is a combination of making ripples and the triple bottom line principle. Social, environmental and economic impact.

First: The Tripple Framework isn't a one-stop solution you can use for claiming sustainability.

Sustainability is an ongoing process that should be woven into your daily operations and tasks.

Our framework is flexible and regularly updated, recognising that every business is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Our parameters are grounded in best practices, certifications, the SDGs, and relevant regulations, providing theoretical and practical guidance.

Consider this a starting point to help you build a basic foundation.

This workbook is designed to integrate responsibility into your organisation's culture and operations through 3 pillars and 21 focus areas. All with structured activities and questions.

It features spaces for each question and a space for crafting an action plan for your business. Reflect on each question carefully, take notes and make sure your answers reflect your sustainability strategy.

The content on Tripple HUB, can be shared with your team to make sure that your people are aligned on this journey.

Shout out if you need help! We’re here to support your sustainable journey.


  1. About
  2. Pillar 1: The Company
  3. Pillar 2: The Community
  4. Pillar 3: The planet
  5. The Tripple Hub

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Framework Book for Sustainability in Tourism

April 2024

This workbook is based on the TrippleTM Framework. It guides you to make meaningful change step by step, with clear goals and actions according. The name Tripple is a combination of making ripples and the triple bottom line principle. Social, environmental and economic impact.

First: The Tripple Framework isn't a one-stop solution you can use for claiming sustainability.

Sustainability is an ongoing process that should be woven into your daily operations and tasks.

Our framework is flexible and regularly updated, recognising that every business is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Our parameters are grounded in best practices, certifications, the SDGs, and relevant regulations, providing theoretical and practical guidance.

Consider this a starting point to help you build a basic foundation.

This workbook is designed to integrate responsibility into your organisation's culture and operations through 3 pillars and 21 focus areas. All with structured activities and questions.

It features spaces for each question and a space for crafting an action plan for your business. Reflect on each question carefully, take notes and make sure your answers reflect your sustainability strategy.

The content on Tripple HUB, can be shared with your team to make sure that your people are aligned on this journey.

Shout out if you need help! We’re here to support your sustainable journey.


  1. About
  2. Pillar 1: The Company
  3. Pillar 2: The Community
  4. Pillar 3: The planet
  5. The Tripple Hub