Fraser Coast Tourism
Fraser Coast Destination Tourism Plan.webpFraser Coast Destination Tourism Plan.webp

Fraser Coast Destination Tourism Plan

March 2017
Destination Strategy

In May 2014, Fraser Coast Tourism and Events (then known as Fraser Coast Opportunities) formed a regional Destination Tourism Plan (DTP). The aim of the DTP was to provide a roadmap for the growth of tourism and events on the Fraser Coast leading up to 2020 and highlight the resources required to create a sustainable and competitive tourism destination that achieves increased year-on-year visitation.

In 2016, Fraser Coast Tourism and Events Ltd commenced the process of reviewing the existing DTP to ensure content remains up to date and relevant. Changes have been made to goals and key objectives of the DTP so the region is best positioned to contribute to Queensland’s $30 billion 2020 stretch target for overnight visitor expenditure to the State.

The region faces significant challenges to turn around recent negative trends. In the year to September 2016 overnight visitation to the Fraser Coast was down 2.9%, with expenditure dropping 12.8% in the same period. Since the launch of the DTP in 2014, both visitor expenditure and overnight visitation have decreased by 15.5% and 9.6% respectively for the Fraser Coast.

Opportunities for Growth

To grow and prosper as a destination it is recommended that the following markets be considered as key target areas for growth of the Fraser Coast’s visitor economy:

  • Drive Tourism, including growing RV market
  • Sports and Events Tourism
  • Interstate Fly/Drive Visitors (NSW/ VIC)
  • Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR)
  • Long Stay Visitors (seniors, grey nomads)
  • Niche markets (marine, natural and cultural heritage, military tourism and agri-tourism)
  • Nature-based tourism (including fishing)
  • Travel for a Purpose (education).

Towards 2020

Our Vision

The 2020 vision for Fraser Coast is to be: ‘Globally recognised for world class personal natural encounters, World Heritage Listed Fraser Island and as Australia’s number one whale experience destination.’

Strategic Objectives

  1. Become a Top Tier Queensland Destination
  2. Grow the quality of tourism experiences and overall sector value
  3. Position Fraser Coast as a high quality visitor destination recognised via appropriate industry and ‘best in category’ awards
  4. Established clear market positioning around ‘personal natural encounters’ of the Great Sandy Strait and Fraser Island
  5. Attract broad community support and enthusiastic partners


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Fraser Coast Destination Tourism Plan

March 2017
Destination Strategy

In May 2014, Fraser Coast Tourism and Events (then known as Fraser Coast Opportunities) formed a regional Destination Tourism Plan (DTP). The aim of the DTP was to provide a roadmap for the growth of tourism and events on the Fraser Coast leading up to 2020 and highlight the resources required to create a sustainable and competitive tourism destination that achieves increased year-on-year visitation.

In 2016, Fraser Coast Tourism and Events Ltd commenced the process of reviewing the existing DTP to ensure content remains up to date and relevant. Changes have been made to goals and key objectives of the DTP so the region is best positioned to contribute to Queensland’s $30 billion 2020 stretch target for overnight visitor expenditure to the State.

The region faces significant challenges to turn around recent negative trends. In the year to September 2016 overnight visitation to the Fraser Coast was down 2.9%, with expenditure dropping 12.8% in the same period. Since the launch of the DTP in 2014, both visitor expenditure and overnight visitation have decreased by 15.5% and 9.6% respectively for the Fraser Coast.

Opportunities for Growth

To grow and prosper as a destination it is recommended that the following markets be considered as key target areas for growth of the Fraser Coast’s visitor economy:

  • Drive Tourism, including growing RV market
  • Sports and Events Tourism
  • Interstate Fly/Drive Visitors (NSW/ VIC)
  • Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR)
  • Long Stay Visitors (seniors, grey nomads)
  • Niche markets (marine, natural and cultural heritage, military tourism and agri-tourism)
  • Nature-based tourism (including fishing)
  • Travel for a Purpose (education).

Towards 2020

Our Vision

The 2020 vision for Fraser Coast is to be: ‘Globally recognised for world class personal natural encounters, World Heritage Listed Fraser Island and as Australia’s number one whale experience destination.’

Strategic Objectives

  1. Become a Top Tier Queensland Destination
  2. Grow the quality of tourism experiences and overall sector value
  3. Position Fraser Coast as a high quality visitor destination recognised via appropriate industry and ‘best in category’ awards
  4. Established clear market positioning around ‘personal natural encounters’ of the Great Sandy Strait and Fraser Island
  5. Attract broad community support and enthusiastic partners
