Junta de Andalucía
General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia GOAL 2027.webpGeneral Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia GOAL 2027.webp

General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia GOAL 2027

September 2021
Destination Strategy

The Plan aims to improve the management of the socioeconomic activity of tourism by its protagonists, in a framework of sustainable social, economic and environmental development, betting on a competitive and entrepreneurial model, of quality, intelligent, egalitarian and inclusive, based on human resources and the identity value of the Andalusian destination.

The higher-order objectives are the following:

1 Consolidate the role of tourism as a vehicle for sustainable development and the creation of stable, qualified and quality jobs for the Andalusian economy.

2 Advance in a new tourism management model whose fundamental pillars are environmental, economic and social sustainability and that ensures a successful journey for the Andalusian tourism sector.

3 Guarantee a tourism development model based on a space of integration and excellence and an inclusive, accessible and multigenerational tourist and leisure offer in which indigenous values and coexistence between tourist and resident prevail.

4 Ensure greater coordination of tourism planning with the similar tools of the Junta de Andalucía and other national and international organizations, where the collection of European funds for the development of seed actions and unique projects is priority.

5 Optimize the profitability and competitiveness of the Andalusian tourism sector through the excellence of tourist services and destinations, the reduction of the carbon footprint and a sustainable mobility model.

6 Strengthen the competitive transformation of the Andalusian tourism industry through a firm and unequivocal commitment to a sector, where innovation, continuous digital adaptation and the commitment to tourism intelligence are factors of competitiveness of our tourism sector.

7 Encourage the development of new strategies for academic, professional training and support for tourism entrepreneurship, which contribute to a greater qualification of our professionals, increasing visitor satisfaction and greater dignity of tourism employment.

**8 **Enhance strategies aimed at reducing the seasonality of tourism activity through the creation of products and the development of segments that can be implemented throughout the year and that contribute to territorial cohesion.

9 Develop a marketing policy that favors a better marketing of products and destinations, responds to the motivations of an increasingly wide typology of visitors and accentuates the singularities of each territory under the umbrella of the Andalusia brand.

10 Consolidate the regeneration of the Andalusian tourism sector, promoting its adaptation to the post-COVID-19 reality and betting on a safe and healthy destination.

11 Guarantee legal certainty in the practice of tourism activity and streamline administrative procedures within the tourism administration.


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General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia GOAL 2027

September 2021
Destination Strategy

The Plan aims to improve the management of the socioeconomic activity of tourism by its protagonists, in a framework of sustainable social, economic and environmental development, betting on a competitive and entrepreneurial model, of quality, intelligent, egalitarian and inclusive, based on human resources and the identity value of the Andalusian destination.

The higher-order objectives are the following:

1 Consolidate the role of tourism as a vehicle for sustainable development and the creation of stable, qualified and quality jobs for the Andalusian economy.

2 Advance in a new tourism management model whose fundamental pillars are environmental, economic and social sustainability and that ensures a successful journey for the Andalusian tourism sector.

3 Guarantee a tourism development model based on a space of integration and excellence and an inclusive, accessible and multigenerational tourist and leisure offer in which indigenous values and coexistence between tourist and resident prevail.

4 Ensure greater coordination of tourism planning with the similar tools of the Junta de Andalucía and other national and international organizations, where the collection of European funds for the development of seed actions and unique projects is priority.

5 Optimize the profitability and competitiveness of the Andalusian tourism sector through the excellence of tourist services and destinations, the reduction of the carbon footprint and a sustainable mobility model.

6 Strengthen the competitive transformation of the Andalusian tourism industry through a firm and unequivocal commitment to a sector, where innovation, continuous digital adaptation and the commitment to tourism intelligence are factors of competitiveness of our tourism sector.

7 Encourage the development of new strategies for academic, professional training and support for tourism entrepreneurship, which contribute to a greater qualification of our professionals, increasing visitor satisfaction and greater dignity of tourism employment.

**8 **Enhance strategies aimed at reducing the seasonality of tourism activity through the creation of products and the development of segments that can be implemented throughout the year and that contribute to territorial cohesion.

9 Develop a marketing policy that favors a better marketing of products and destinations, responds to the motivations of an increasingly wide typology of visitors and accentuates the singularities of each territory under the umbrella of the Andalusia brand.

10 Consolidate the regeneration of the Andalusian tourism sector, promoting its adaptation to the post-COVID-19 reality and betting on a safe and healthy destination.

11 Guarantee legal certainty in the practice of tourism activity and streamline administrative procedures within the tourism administration.
