Junta de Andalucía
General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of AndalusiaHorizon 2020 - Volume II.webpGeneral Plan for Sustainable Tourism of AndalusiaHorizon 2020 - Volume II.webp

General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia Horizon 2020 - Volume II

February 2016
Destination Strategy

The General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia, Horizon 2020 will evaluate its own gender impact taking into account the following aspects: what it means to compare and appreciate based on different criteria; what is the real participation of women and men; what are the resources that these women and men have access to; norms and values that prevail; rights that are protected or violated; and above all, the situation and trend that could be expected as a result of the implementation of the measures proposed therein.


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General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia Horizon 2020 - Volume II

February 2016
Destination Strategy

The General Plan for Sustainable Tourism of Andalusia, Horizon 2020 will evaluate its own gender impact taking into account the following aspects: what it means to compare and appreciate based on different criteria; what is the real participation of women and men; what are the resources that these women and men have access to; norms and values that prevail; rights that are protected or violated; and above all, the situation and trend that could be expected as a result of the implementation of the measures proposed therein.
