Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd
Gladstone Region Destination Tourism Plan 2020-2025.webpGladstone Region Destination Tourism Plan 2020-2025.webp

Gladstone Region Destination Tourism Plan 2020-2025

Destination Strategy

Recognising the importance of tourism to the region's local economy, Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd (GAPDL) reviewed the region's Destination Tourism Plan (DTP), first implemented in June 2014, to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant, and to ensure that the region and all stakeholders are on track to grow tourism visitation, length of stay and visitor expenditure to the Gladstone region.

As a part of this review process, GAPDL implemented an extensive consultation process with the region's tourism sector and key stakeholders in order to determine what strategic directions within the original DTP were still valid, and which directions/outcomes required changing. The aim of the revised DTP is to provide the framework and strategic direction for industry to work together to achieve targets and goals between 2019 - 2025.

It is proposed that the Gladstone Region DTP is then reviewed annually by GAPDL in partnership with other key stakeholders to measure its progress against the identified targets and strategies, and make necessary changes if required.


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Gladstone Region Destination Tourism Plan 2020-2025

Destination Strategy

Recognising the importance of tourism to the region's local economy, Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Ltd (GAPDL) reviewed the region's Destination Tourism Plan (DTP), first implemented in June 2014, to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant, and to ensure that the region and all stakeholders are on track to grow tourism visitation, length of stay and visitor expenditure to the Gladstone region.

As a part of this review process, GAPDL implemented an extensive consultation process with the region's tourism sector and key stakeholders in order to determine what strategic directions within the original DTP were still valid, and which directions/outcomes required changing. The aim of the revised DTP is to provide the framework and strategic direction for industry to work together to achieve targets and goals between 2019 - 2025.

It is proposed that the Gladstone Region DTP is then reviewed annually by GAPDL in partnership with other key stakeholders to measure its progress against the identified targets and strategies, and make necessary changes if required.
