
Hotel Marketing Strategies: How Hoteliers Can Reach Travelers Throughout Each Stage of the Traveler Journey

June 2023

No matter the location or the type of property you manage, the truth is that hotel marketing has become more complex than ever. Economic uncertainties and evolving traveller behaviours have become a constant in the world of hospitality, and to keep up with this ongoing change and keep bookings on pace throughout the year, hoteliers need to implement smart marketing strategies.

Add to that the evolving digital marketing landscape, including privacy regulation and platform updates, and reaching potential guests has never been more challenging.

It is crucial to approach hotel marketing as much more than a series of tactics. A robust, long-term strategy that considers multiple marketing initiatives will lead to the strongest results.

5 Stages of the Traveler Journey

Delighting a leisure guest, who has so many hotel options to choose from, is no easy task. In order to drive profitable demand to your hotel, it is important to understand who your audience is and what type of experience they are looking for. To do this effectively, a hotelier must understand the needs of their guests from the time they start considering a vacation all the way through to the moment they type their credit card information into the booking engine.

By looking at each stage of the traveller journey, you will be able to optimize your hotel’s marketing strategy to accommodate the needs of your guests, and you will land more bookings.


  1. The inspiration stage
  2. The planning stage
  3. The booking stage
  4. The on-site experience stage
  5. The post-trip stage

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Hotel Marketing Strategies: How Hoteliers Can Reach Travelers Throughout Each Stage of the Traveler Journey

June 2023

No matter the location or the type of property you manage, the truth is that hotel marketing has become more complex than ever. Economic uncertainties and evolving traveller behaviours have become a constant in the world of hospitality, and to keep up with this ongoing change and keep bookings on pace throughout the year, hoteliers need to implement smart marketing strategies.

Add to that the evolving digital marketing landscape, including privacy regulation and platform updates, and reaching potential guests has never been more challenging.

It is crucial to approach hotel marketing as much more than a series of tactics. A robust, long-term strategy that considers multiple marketing initiatives will lead to the strongest results.

5 Stages of the Traveler Journey

Delighting a leisure guest, who has so many hotel options to choose from, is no easy task. In order to drive profitable demand to your hotel, it is important to understand who your audience is and what type of experience they are looking for. To do this effectively, a hotelier must understand the needs of their guests from the time they start considering a vacation all the way through to the moment they type their credit card information into the booking engine.

By looking at each stage of the traveller journey, you will be able to optimize your hotel’s marketing strategy to accommodate the needs of your guests, and you will land more bookings.


  1. The inspiration stage
  2. The planning stage
  3. The booking stage
  4. The on-site experience stage
  5. The post-trip stage