How We Book NowHow We Book Now

How We Book Now

September 2023

Just like no two vacations are the same, no two customer journeys are the same.

With continued evolution in digital booking, the opportunity to book how, when and where you want grows by the day. Where the travel booking journey was once fairly linear, there’s now a never-ending multiplicity of customer journeys, each of which are complex are in their own right.

Knowing this, you’d be forgiven for wondering where to start as a travel marketer. At Yieldify, we work with hundreds of travel websites around the world – from monoliths such as Megabus to smaller package holiday sites. We’ve seen that amongst the complexity, there are clear trends to be found if you know which segments to look at. So that’s what we’ve done here.

Surveying over 1000 UK and US consumers who have researched or purchased travel products online in the past year, we asked them about how, where and why they book their travel. In addition, we interviewed key thought leaders in travel marketing to add color to the data.

The resulting report is a fascinating picture of booking behavior and how much it differs by five key segments: generation, gender, vacation type, market and product. Each of the following chapters not only illuminates current customer behavior and expectations, but reveals numerous opportunities for brands to improve the customer journey through personalizing to a segment’s specific needs.


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How We Book Now

September 2023

Just like no two vacations are the same, no two customer journeys are the same.

With continued evolution in digital booking, the opportunity to book how, when and where you want grows by the day. Where the travel booking journey was once fairly linear, there’s now a never-ending multiplicity of customer journeys, each of which are complex are in their own right.

Knowing this, you’d be forgiven for wondering where to start as a travel marketer. At Yieldify, we work with hundreds of travel websites around the world – from monoliths such as Megabus to smaller package holiday sites. We’ve seen that amongst the complexity, there are clear trends to be found if you know which segments to look at. So that’s what we’ve done here.

Surveying over 1000 UK and US consumers who have researched or purchased travel products online in the past year, we asked them about how, where and why they book their travel. In addition, we interviewed key thought leaders in travel marketing to add color to the data.

The resulting report is a fascinating picture of booking behavior and how much it differs by five key segments: generation, gender, vacation type, market and product. Each of the following chapters not only illuminates current customer behavior and expectations, but reveals numerous opportunities for brands to improve the customer journey through personalizing to a segment’s specific needs.
