IBTM World - Trends Report 2023.webpIBTM World - Trends Report 2023.webp

IBTM World - Trends Report 2023

February 2023

It is customary for this report to begin by looking at the global economy to set the scene for how businesses and industry react within it. This continues to be a helpful process as it points towards some of the macro-economic factors that both trigger and accelerate trends. This year is no different.


  1. Introduction: The Great Culture Change
  2. Global Summary
  3. Cultural Trends
  4. Business Trends
  5. Experience Trends
  6. Regional Trends
  7. Conclusion
  8. Sources

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IBTM World - Trends Report 2023

February 2023

It is customary for this report to begin by looking at the global economy to set the scene for how businesses and industry react within it. This continues to be a helpful process as it points towards some of the macro-economic factors that both trigger and accelerate trends. This year is no different.


  1. Introduction: The Great Culture Change
  2. Global Summary
  3. Cultural Trends
  4. Business Trends
  5. Experience Trends
  6. Regional Trends
  7. Conclusion
  8. Sources