ISLA Temperature Check 2022-2023.webpISLA Temperature Check 2022-2023.webp

ISLA Temperature Check 2022-2023

May 2023

The urgency to limit global warming is a pressing issue facing our planet. This report cements the need for action for the planet and the event industry, taking into account public interest and growing requirements for regulation and reporting. This report highlights the need for continued and improved emissions measurement in the event industry, to build a meaningful picture and create a strategic, data-led industry pathway for reducing emissions quickly.

Local climate-related disasters are becoming more frequent and severe. This report emphasises that inaction on climate issues may impact on the reputation and viability of the event industry itself. On the ground, event planners are increasingly choosing destinations based on their environmental credentials and climate resilience. Action must be taken to ensure the UK remains an attractive destination for event buyers.

This report introduces the growing trend towards mandatory reporting requirements of sustainability issues for large businesses, including carbon emissions. Broader mandatory reporting, which includes Scope 3 emissions, is likely to become the norm for the UK by 2025, impacting the entire supply chain. The report aims to help the industry make sense of where event emissions come from in preparation for increased measurement and reporting requirements.

We share insights into the data captured by TRACE, isla’s carbon measurement platform. TRACE enables standardised measurement for event planners and provides easy-to-analyse quantitative data in real-time, enabling informed decision-making at the design and procurement stages.

This report explores areas that should be prioritised for emissions measurement, highlighting areas where there is the least confidence in data. By understanding the most carbon-intensive activities, event planners can identify focal areas for action and simplify decision-making. However, continued and improved data collection is critical, and training teams on how to measure carbon increases engagement with the platform and the quality of data input.

We also take a look beyond carbon. Addressing the crisis requires more than just measurement; climate literacy is crucial in empowering teams and leaders to make informed decisions about their actions and to create strategies that effectively address climate change. Understanding the state of play of the industry in terms of carbon emissions is the first step to changing things, but beyond this, collaboration to drive innovation and solutions is to everyone’s advantage.


  1. Introduction
  2. Insights & Highlights
  3. Next Steps

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ISLA Temperature Check 2022-2023

May 2023

The urgency to limit global warming is a pressing issue facing our planet. This report cements the need for action for the planet and the event industry, taking into account public interest and growing requirements for regulation and reporting. This report highlights the need for continued and improved emissions measurement in the event industry, to build a meaningful picture and create a strategic, data-led industry pathway for reducing emissions quickly.

Local climate-related disasters are becoming more frequent and severe. This report emphasises that inaction on climate issues may impact on the reputation and viability of the event industry itself. On the ground, event planners are increasingly choosing destinations based on their environmental credentials and climate resilience. Action must be taken to ensure the UK remains an attractive destination for event buyers.

This report introduces the growing trend towards mandatory reporting requirements of sustainability issues for large businesses, including carbon emissions. Broader mandatory reporting, which includes Scope 3 emissions, is likely to become the norm for the UK by 2025, impacting the entire supply chain. The report aims to help the industry make sense of where event emissions come from in preparation for increased measurement and reporting requirements.

We share insights into the data captured by TRACE, isla’s carbon measurement platform. TRACE enables standardised measurement for event planners and provides easy-to-analyse quantitative data in real-time, enabling informed decision-making at the design and procurement stages.

This report explores areas that should be prioritised for emissions measurement, highlighting areas where there is the least confidence in data. By understanding the most carbon-intensive activities, event planners can identify focal areas for action and simplify decision-making. However, continued and improved data collection is critical, and training teams on how to measure carbon increases engagement with the platform and the quality of data input.

We also take a look beyond carbon. Addressing the crisis requires more than just measurement; climate literacy is crucial in empowering teams and leaders to make informed decisions about their actions and to create strategies that effectively address climate change. Understanding the state of play of the industry in terms of carbon emissions is the first step to changing things, but beyond this, collaboration to drive innovation and solutions is to everyone’s advantage.


  1. Introduction
  2. Insights & Highlights
  3. Next Steps