Maine Office of Tourism
Maine Office of Tourism Destination Management Plan.webpMaine Office of Tourism Destination Management Plan.webp

Maine Office of Tourism Destination Management Plan

March 2023
Destination Strategy

Tourism is an important economic engine for Maine, with an estimated 15.4 million visitors to the state in 2022 and direct expenditures of approximately $8.6 billion.

The Maine Office of Tourism (MOT) remains committed to our core purpose of marketing the state of Maine as a travel destination but recognizes that while tourism is a critical component that fuels Maine’s economy and creates jobs and opportunities, we must protect the DNA of our state now and for the future by balancing the visitor economy with stewardship of our natural resources and culture. The quality of life for our residents remains as important as a quality experience for our visitors.

Through the input of stakeholders, residents and visitors, we developed a Destination Management Plan that is sensitive to the long-term sustainability of our state and not solely dependent on high-volume growth. We centered destination stewardship that aligns with our recognized need to balance growth management with residential quality of life and to safeguard the inherent qualities that have always drawn people to Maine as a favorite new England destination.

Like many states, Maine is experiencing a significant rise in visitors traveling for outdoor recreation, raising the potential for overuse of popular sites and a less satisfactory visitor experience. Maine attracts loyal repeat visitors (78% of visitors have traveled to Maine at least twice and nearly one third of visitors have traveled to Maine more than 10 times), making it all the more important to preserve the quintessential Maine experience they have come to love.

Traditionally a drive destination, 80% of Maine visitors arrive by car. However, the state’s two largest airports, Portland International Jetport and Bangor International Airport, have experienced a significant increase in new, non-stop air service in recent years, providing opportunities to attract visitors from these new air markets.

In response to these and other travel trends accelerated by the pandemic, including a growing desire for responsible travel opportunities, the Maine Office of Tourism will adjust our visitor outreach and industry support programs to align with Maine values and stewardship principles.

We look forward to how our role will evolve within the context of stewardship and with a clear vision for the future well-being of our state and residents outlined in this Destination Management Plan.

Who helped shape this?

MOT engaged Coraggio Group to guide the creation of the Maine Destination Management Plan in collaboration with representatives from the Maine Office of Tourism, relevant state agencies, local businesses, tourism industry organizations, community and cultural organizations, and other key stakeholders.

What did the process entail?

The three-phase plan development process - Get Clear, Get Focused, Get Moving - began with a discovery phase, where qualitative and quantitative research was analyzed in order to identify strengths, challenges, and opportunities related to the current state of Maine’s tourism industry. This comprehensive and multi-faceted research approach identified key themes for areas of focus based on research insights from third-party data sets and custom research studies, as well as important insights from stakeholders, visitors, and residents, and is summarized in a comprehensive Situation Assessment.

With the Situation Assessment in hand, the planning work began and the vision, mission, stewardship principles, imperatives, and action steps took shape. Finally, the Get Moving Phase of the process prioritized Plan Imperatives and Action Steps, creating a clear actionable map to guide MOT in its commitment to destination stewardship.


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Maine Office of Tourism Destination Management Plan

March 2023
Destination Strategy

Tourism is an important economic engine for Maine, with an estimated 15.4 million visitors to the state in 2022 and direct expenditures of approximately $8.6 billion.

The Maine Office of Tourism (MOT) remains committed to our core purpose of marketing the state of Maine as a travel destination but recognizes that while tourism is a critical component that fuels Maine’s economy and creates jobs and opportunities, we must protect the DNA of our state now and for the future by balancing the visitor economy with stewardship of our natural resources and culture. The quality of life for our residents remains as important as a quality experience for our visitors.

Through the input of stakeholders, residents and visitors, we developed a Destination Management Plan that is sensitive to the long-term sustainability of our state and not solely dependent on high-volume growth. We centered destination stewardship that aligns with our recognized need to balance growth management with residential quality of life and to safeguard the inherent qualities that have always drawn people to Maine as a favorite new England destination.

Like many states, Maine is experiencing a significant rise in visitors traveling for outdoor recreation, raising the potential for overuse of popular sites and a less satisfactory visitor experience. Maine attracts loyal repeat visitors (78% of visitors have traveled to Maine at least twice and nearly one third of visitors have traveled to Maine more than 10 times), making it all the more important to preserve the quintessential Maine experience they have come to love.

Traditionally a drive destination, 80% of Maine visitors arrive by car. However, the state’s two largest airports, Portland International Jetport and Bangor International Airport, have experienced a significant increase in new, non-stop air service in recent years, providing opportunities to attract visitors from these new air markets.

In response to these and other travel trends accelerated by the pandemic, including a growing desire for responsible travel opportunities, the Maine Office of Tourism will adjust our visitor outreach and industry support programs to align with Maine values and stewardship principles.

We look forward to how our role will evolve within the context of stewardship and with a clear vision for the future well-being of our state and residents outlined in this Destination Management Plan.

Who helped shape this?

MOT engaged Coraggio Group to guide the creation of the Maine Destination Management Plan in collaboration with representatives from the Maine Office of Tourism, relevant state agencies, local businesses, tourism industry organizations, community and cultural organizations, and other key stakeholders.

What did the process entail?

The three-phase plan development process - Get Clear, Get Focused, Get Moving - began with a discovery phase, where qualitative and quantitative research was analyzed in order to identify strengths, challenges, and opportunities related to the current state of Maine’s tourism industry. This comprehensive and multi-faceted research approach identified key themes for areas of focus based on research insights from third-party data sets and custom research studies, as well as important insights from stakeholders, visitors, and residents, and is summarized in a comprehensive Situation Assessment.

With the Situation Assessment in hand, the planning work began and the vision, mission, stewardship principles, imperatives, and action steps took shape. Finally, the Get Moving Phase of the process prioritized Plan Imperatives and Action Steps, creating a clear actionable map to guide MOT in its commitment to destination stewardship.
