Bob w sustainability report.pngBob w sustainability report.png

Making A World of Difference

November 2023

Alright, let's break it down. When we're talking sustainability, we're covering both the social and environmental angles. We're not just shootin' in the dark here – we're crunching numbers, and finding ways to up our game.

On the environmental side of things, we're keeping a close eye on our carbon footprint. That's the gold standard for tallying up how much carbon dioxide and other pesky greenhouse gases we're churning out through our company's day-to-day operations. It's a yardstick everyone understands or should.

When it comes to measuring our carbon footprint, we're not playing around. We’re measuring and setting our sights on low targets. Bob's kind of a perfectionist, so naturally he's gunning for zero emissions. This means we're in for some serious changes around here if we're gonna hit those goals. Being small gives us the chance to test out some fresh approaches and make some real strides forward. We have no interest in messing up the environment in the process, so we'll be keeping a watchful eye on our emissions as we charge ahead towards our goals

Being small gives us the chance to test out some fresh approaches and make some real strides forward. We have no interest in messing up the environment in the process, so we'll be keeping a watchful eye on our emissions as we charge ahead towards our goals.

Even with our growth, we're staying true to our mission to dial playing around. We know that slashing greenhouse gas emissions, especially in scope 2, is crucial. And we're not just preaching to the choir. We're rallying others in our circle, urging them to join in. It's high time we band together and create some serious positive change!


  1. Introduction
  2. Our Sustainability Vision
  3. Our Numbers
  4. Our commitments evaluated
  5. Follow up on our 2020 Initiatives
  6. Our Mission to Shrink Our Footprint

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Making A World of Difference

November 2023

Alright, let's break it down. When we're talking sustainability, we're covering both the social and environmental angles. We're not just shootin' in the dark here – we're crunching numbers, and finding ways to up our game.

On the environmental side of things, we're keeping a close eye on our carbon footprint. That's the gold standard for tallying up how much carbon dioxide and other pesky greenhouse gases we're churning out through our company's day-to-day operations. It's a yardstick everyone understands or should.

When it comes to measuring our carbon footprint, we're not playing around. We’re measuring and setting our sights on low targets. Bob's kind of a perfectionist, so naturally he's gunning for zero emissions. This means we're in for some serious changes around here if we're gonna hit those goals. Being small gives us the chance to test out some fresh approaches and make some real strides forward. We have no interest in messing up the environment in the process, so we'll be keeping a watchful eye on our emissions as we charge ahead towards our goals

Being small gives us the chance to test out some fresh approaches and make some real strides forward. We have no interest in messing up the environment in the process, so we'll be keeping a watchful eye on our emissions as we charge ahead towards our goals.

Even with our growth, we're staying true to our mission to dial playing around. We know that slashing greenhouse gas emissions, especially in scope 2, is crucial. And we're not just preaching to the choir. We're rallying others in our circle, urging them to join in. It's high time we band together and create some serious positive change!


  1. Introduction
  2. Our Sustainability Vision
  3. Our Numbers
  4. Our commitments evaluated
  5. Follow up on our 2020 Initiatives
  6. Our Mission to Shrink Our Footprint