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McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023

July 2023

After a tumultuous 2022 for technology investment and talent, the first half of 2023 has seen a resurgence of enthusiasm about technology’s potential to catalyze progress in business and society. Generative AI deserves much of the credit for ushering in this revival, but it stands as just one of many advances on the horizon that could drive sustainable, inclusive growth and solve complex global challenges.

To help executives track the latest developments, the McKinsey Technology Council has once again identified and interpreted the most significant technology trends unfolding today. While many trends are in the early stages of adoption and scale, executives can use this research to plan ahead by developing an understanding of potential use cases and pinpointing the critical skills needed as they hire or upskill talent to bring these opportunities to fruition.

Our analysis examines quantitative measures of interest, innovation, and investment to gauge the momentum of each trend. Recognizing the long-term nature and interdependence of these trends, we also delve into underlying technologies, uncertainties, and questions surrounding each trend. This year, we added an important new dimension for analysis—talent. We provide data on talent supply-and-demand dynamics for the roles of most relevance to each trend.


  1. Applied AI
  2. Industrializing Machine Learning
  3. Generative AI
  4. Next-Generation Software Development
  5. Trust Architecture and Digital Identity
  6. WEB3
  7. Advanced Connectivity
  8. Immersive-reality technologies
  9. Cloud and Edge Computing
  10. Quantum Technologies
  11. Future of Mobility
  12. Future of Bioengeniring
  13. Future of Space Technologies
  14. Electrification and Renewables
  15. Climate tech beyond electrification and renewables

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McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023

July 2023

After a tumultuous 2022 for technology investment and talent, the first half of 2023 has seen a resurgence of enthusiasm about technology’s potential to catalyze progress in business and society. Generative AI deserves much of the credit for ushering in this revival, but it stands as just one of many advances on the horizon that could drive sustainable, inclusive growth and solve complex global challenges.

To help executives track the latest developments, the McKinsey Technology Council has once again identified and interpreted the most significant technology trends unfolding today. While many trends are in the early stages of adoption and scale, executives can use this research to plan ahead by developing an understanding of potential use cases and pinpointing the critical skills needed as they hire or upskill talent to bring these opportunities to fruition.

Our analysis examines quantitative measures of interest, innovation, and investment to gauge the momentum of each trend. Recognizing the long-term nature and interdependence of these trends, we also delve into underlying technologies, uncertainties, and questions surrounding each trend. This year, we added an important new dimension for analysis—talent. We provide data on talent supply-and-demand dynamics for the roles of most relevance to each trend.


  1. Applied AI
  2. Industrializing Machine Learning
  3. Generative AI
  4. Next-Generation Software Development
  5. Trust Architecture and Digital Identity
  6. WEB3
  7. Advanced Connectivity
  8. Immersive-reality technologies
  9. Cloud and Edge Computing
  10. Quantum Technologies
  11. Future of Mobility
  12. Future of Bioengeniring
  13. Future of Space Technologies
  14. Electrification and Renewables
  15. Climate tech beyond electrification and renewables