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Med Cluster Orientation Paper: Climate Change Adaptation Nature and Biodiversity

June 2024

This cluster combines the focus of Two Special Objectives - SO 2.4 and SO 2.7. As the Cluster expert Jeremy Smith explained in his intro at the Rome meeting, since climate change is a biodiversity, social and ecological chal- lenge at the same time, the merging of the two clusters makes a lot of sense as we have to break out of silos in order to tackle the challenge.

SO 2.4: “Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches” addresses the following:

  • Foster sustainable tourism models which ensure the protection of the environment;
  • Answer the central issue of accelerating warming for the future of Mediterranean regions;
  • Urge environmental protection in view of both the pressure of human activities and climate change;
  • Enhance ecosystem-based approaches in order to prevent disasters and improve resilience;
  • Improve the prevention and mitigation of risks;
  • Promote the importance of energy transition in the context of climate change;
  • Tackle the climate change effects on health;
  • Involve citizens in the greener transition of living areas with high touristic assets.

S.O 2.7: “Enhancing protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure including in urban areas and reducing all forms of pollution” addresses the following:

  • Consolidate the connection of natural ecosystems with high touristic assets at transnational level;
  • Ensure ecological corridors to boost and preserve biodiversity;
  • Reinforce sustainable, efficient management and strong protection of protected areas;
  • Work beyond protected areas to address pollution, overfishing and climate change;
  • Improve restoration of ecosystems at land and sea degraded by tourism activities;
  • Promote adequate conservation of coastal and marine biodiversity in touristic areas;
  • Support the vision of biodiversity conservation as an economic and social value.


  1. Introduction and explanation of the topic covered by the MED Cluster Climate Change and Nature and Biodiversity
  2. State of the art from the International, European, and Mediterranean perspective
  3. The projects’ approach
  4. Main challenges and topics for discussion identified
  5. Key documents

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Med Cluster Orientation Paper: Climate Change Adaptation Nature and Biodiversity

June 2024

This cluster combines the focus of Two Special Objectives - SO 2.4 and SO 2.7. As the Cluster expert Jeremy Smith explained in his intro at the Rome meeting, since climate change is a biodiversity, social and ecological chal- lenge at the same time, the merging of the two clusters makes a lot of sense as we have to break out of silos in order to tackle the challenge.

SO 2.4: “Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches” addresses the following:

  • Foster sustainable tourism models which ensure the protection of the environment;
  • Answer the central issue of accelerating warming for the future of Mediterranean regions;
  • Urge environmental protection in view of both the pressure of human activities and climate change;
  • Enhance ecosystem-based approaches in order to prevent disasters and improve resilience;
  • Improve the prevention and mitigation of risks;
  • Promote the importance of energy transition in the context of climate change;
  • Tackle the climate change effects on health;
  • Involve citizens in the greener transition of living areas with high touristic assets.

S.O 2.7: “Enhancing protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure including in urban areas and reducing all forms of pollution” addresses the following:

  • Consolidate the connection of natural ecosystems with high touristic assets at transnational level;
  • Ensure ecological corridors to boost and preserve biodiversity;
  • Reinforce sustainable, efficient management and strong protection of protected areas;
  • Work beyond protected areas to address pollution, overfishing and climate change;
  • Improve restoration of ecosystems at land and sea degraded by tourism activities;
  • Promote adequate conservation of coastal and marine biodiversity in touristic areas;
  • Support the vision of biodiversity conservation as an economic and social value.


  1. Introduction and explanation of the topic covered by the MED Cluster Climate Change and Nature and Biodiversity
  2. State of the art from the International, European, and Mediterranean perspective
  3. The projects’ approach
  4. Main challenges and topics for discussion identified
  5. Key documents