Ebook Metaverse and NFTS in the Tourism Sector.webpEbook Metaverse and NFTS in the Tourism Sector.webp

Metaverse and NFTS in the Tourism Sector

January 2023

The content of this ebook reflects the growth of the metaverse at the level of tourist experiences in cities, as well as in the business and services sector.


  1. Presentation
  2. Introduction
  3. The Tourism Ecosystem And Virtual Worlds
  4. Does the Metaverse Make Sense in the Tourism Sector?
  5. Mrtaverse, Opportunity or threat to IRL Travel?
  6. Application of the Metaverse in the Hotel Sector
  7. Reflections on Metaverse
  8. The Metaverse Beyond Technology
  9. Metaverse and NFTs: Tecnalia's Vision
  10. The Next Chapter Of Disruptive Technologies Is Already Being Written In Turistec Companies
  11. Metaverse And Nfts: Vicomtech's Vision
  12. Use Case Of Nfts In The City Of Malaga
  13. Authorship of Contributions
  14. Thanks

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Metaverse and NFTS in the Tourism Sector

January 2023

The content of this ebook reflects the growth of the metaverse at the level of tourist experiences in cities, as well as in the business and services sector.


  1. Presentation
  2. Introduction
  3. The Tourism Ecosystem And Virtual Worlds
  4. Does the Metaverse Make Sense in the Tourism Sector?
  5. Mrtaverse, Opportunity or threat to IRL Travel?
  6. Application of the Metaverse in the Hotel Sector
  7. Reflections on Metaverse
  8. The Metaverse Beyond Technology
  9. Metaverse and NFTs: Tecnalia's Vision
  10. The Next Chapter Of Disruptive Technologies Is Already Being Written In Turistec Companies
  11. Metaverse And Nfts: Vicomtech's Vision
  12. Use Case Of Nfts In The City Of Malaga
  13. Authorship of Contributions
  14. Thanks