European Travel Commission
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Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-European Travel - Wave 17

October 2023

Europeans still want to travel, but less than a year ago – leisure trips were slightly down while business trips have increased.

This report monitors sentiment and short-term plans for domestic and intra-European travel and is the 17th wave of a market research project which began in September 2020. Results are based on data collected in September 2023 from Europeans in 10 high-volume source markets.

• 68% of Europeans plan to travel between October 2023 and March 2024, representing a 3% decrease compared to a year ago. The desire to travel is strongest among Europeans aged over 35 (71%) and comparatively lower (61%) among the 18-34-year-olds.

• 38% of Europeans plan to travel during the autumn months (October-November), and another 32% during the Christmas period (December-January).

• Visiting a neighbouring country is the leading choice for 32% of travellers, followed by visiting a non-neighbouring European country (28%).

• Intentions for leisure trips (69%) slightly decrease compared to a year ago (72%), while the share of travellers planning a business trip rises to 8% (+3% compared to the same period in 2022).

• With summer behind, Sun & Beach trips give way to City Breaks (19%), Culture & Heritage (17%), and Nature & Outdoor (14%) trips as the leading choice for the colder months.

Use of greener transport options rises to an all-time high

Half of Europeans will fly to their next travel destination. At the same time, the use of train or bus services for travelling rises to the highest-recorded level (17%, up by 5% compared to a year ago), greener

alternative to driving (25%, down by 7% compared to 2022).

• The share of travellers planning to spend up to 1,000 euros (44%) drops (-9%) compared to a year ago, while the share of those with a budget of over 1,500 euros increases by 7% (34%). Interestingly, the intended length of stay remains similar to the same period last year– despite travel price inflation.

• 4-6 nights remain the most common length of stay for Europeans (29%). The share of travellers who plan

trips for more than 7 nights increases with age - from 36% among Europeans aged 18-24 to 42% in the +54 age group.

• Hotels remain the leading accommodation choice for 53% of Europeans and have strengthened their

position compared to the summer 2023 (+3%), being followed by short-term rentals (15%).

• 45% of travellers have partially or fully booked their next trip, down by 11% compared to the pre-summer booking rush recorded in the previous wave (conducted in May 2023).

• Pleasant weather (19%), attractive deals (17%) and friendly locals (12%) remain Europeans’ top criteria for

choosing their next travel destination.


  1. Travel Plans
  2. Planning the Details
  3. Travel Concerns
  4. Methodological

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Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-European Travel - Wave 17

October 2023

Europeans still want to travel, but less than a year ago – leisure trips were slightly down while business trips have increased.

This report monitors sentiment and short-term plans for domestic and intra-European travel and is the 17th wave of a market research project which began in September 2020. Results are based on data collected in September 2023 from Europeans in 10 high-volume source markets.

• 68% of Europeans plan to travel between October 2023 and March 2024, representing a 3% decrease compared to a year ago. The desire to travel is strongest among Europeans aged over 35 (71%) and comparatively lower (61%) among the 18-34-year-olds.

• 38% of Europeans plan to travel during the autumn months (October-November), and another 32% during the Christmas period (December-January).

• Visiting a neighbouring country is the leading choice for 32% of travellers, followed by visiting a non-neighbouring European country (28%).

• Intentions for leisure trips (69%) slightly decrease compared to a year ago (72%), while the share of travellers planning a business trip rises to 8% (+3% compared to the same period in 2022).

• With summer behind, Sun & Beach trips give way to City Breaks (19%), Culture & Heritage (17%), and Nature & Outdoor (14%) trips as the leading choice for the colder months.

Use of greener transport options rises to an all-time high

Half of Europeans will fly to their next travel destination. At the same time, the use of train or bus services for travelling rises to the highest-recorded level (17%, up by 5% compared to a year ago), greener

alternative to driving (25%, down by 7% compared to 2022).

• The share of travellers planning to spend up to 1,000 euros (44%) drops (-9%) compared to a year ago, while the share of those with a budget of over 1,500 euros increases by 7% (34%). Interestingly, the intended length of stay remains similar to the same period last year– despite travel price inflation.

• 4-6 nights remain the most common length of stay for Europeans (29%). The share of travellers who plan

trips for more than 7 nights increases with age - from 36% among Europeans aged 18-24 to 42% in the +54 age group.

• Hotels remain the leading accommodation choice for 53% of Europeans and have strengthened their

position compared to the summer 2023 (+3%), being followed by short-term rentals (15%).

• 45% of travellers have partially or fully booked their next trip, down by 11% compared to the pre-summer booking rush recorded in the previous wave (conducted in May 2023).

• Pleasant weather (19%), attractive deals (17%) and friendly locals (12%) remain Europeans’ top criteria for

choosing their next travel destination.


  1. Travel Plans
  2. Planning the Details
  3. Travel Concerns
  4. Methodological