Government of Montserrat
Montserrat Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025.webpMontserrat Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025.webp

Montserrat Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025

April 2016
Policy Guidelines

Designation of tourism development areas provides the basis for integrated planning of the area so that it functions efficiently and is relatively self-contained. From the planning perspective the importance of having designated TDAs is that they:

  • Help create critical mass – making it economic to provide a range of facilities and services in an area.
  • Diversify the product offer in a way that can be promoted to different niche markets, thereby facilitating product branding.
  • Allow different forms of tourism development to co-exist – designating particular areas for nature tourism only, other areas for more intensive use


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Montserrat Tourism Master Plan 2015-2025

April 2016
Policy Guidelines

Designation of tourism development areas provides the basis for integrated planning of the area so that it functions efficiently and is relatively self-contained. From the planning perspective the importance of having designated TDAs is that they:

  • Help create critical mass – making it economic to provide a range of facilities and services in an area.
  • Diversify the product offer in a way that can be promoted to different niche markets, thereby facilitating product branding.
  • Allow different forms of tourism development to co-exist – designating particular areas for nature tourism only, other areas for more intensive use
