Municipal Atlas of the Social Contribution of Tourism in Spain.webpMunicipal Atlas of the Social Contribution of Tourism in Spain.webp

Municipal Atlas of the Social Contribution of Tourism in Spain

May 2023

The Atlas provides information on the 500 Spanish municipalities with the highest number of regulated tourist accommodation places on the market. This document provides information on the most important characteristics of its tourist offer and its implications on the different levels of social contribution of tourism, in terms of employment, as well as the inferred relevance on its economic system.


  1. Objectives, main indicators and keys for the interpretation of the information contained in the Atlas
  2. Territorial features of the social contribution of tourism at the municipal level in Spain
  3. 10 local tourism policy priorities for the 2023-2027 legislature
  4. Ranking and positioning of Spanish municipalities due to their tourist relevance and social contribution
  5. Ranking of destinations of tourist relevance and contribution by Autonomic Communities
  6. Methodology

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Municipal Atlas of the Social Contribution of Tourism in Spain

May 2023

The Atlas provides information on the 500 Spanish municipalities with the highest number of regulated tourist accommodation places on the market. This document provides information on the most important characteristics of its tourist offer and its implications on the different levels of social contribution of tourism, in terms of employment, as well as the inferred relevance on its economic system.


  1. Objectives, main indicators and keys for the interpretation of the information contained in the Atlas
  2. Territorial features of the social contribution of tourism at the municipal level in Spain
  3. 10 local tourism policy priorities for the 2023-2027 legislature
  4. Ranking and positioning of Spanish municipalities due to their tourist relevance and social contribution
  5. Ranking of destinations of tourist relevance and contribution by Autonomic Communities
  6. Methodology