Innovation Norway
National Tourism Strategy 2030.webpNational Tourism Strategy 2030.webp

National Tourism Strategy 2030

April 2021
Destination Strategy

Besides the need for forward-looking rebuilding following the coronavirus pandemic, both the green shift and digitalisation are deep drivers that will influence the development of the industry up to 2030. There is potential for green growth and increased export revenues, based on a win-win development for industry stakeholders, visitors, towns and communities of all sizes, the environment and our planet.

The aim is for the Norwegian tourist industry to increase its creation of value and jobs all over the country in a way that also enriches local communities. Stakeholders must deliver such high customer value that customers are willing to pay for more things and make repeat purchases. Tourism will help Norway to become a low-emissions society. Reinforced value creation capability, reinforced capacity for innovation and creation, and reinforced capability to manage the development created are the initiatives that will be used to achieve these goals. Better interaction is another goal. This includes all stakeholders in the ecosystem best used to describe the modern tourist industry. Moreover, the tourist industry is entirely dependent on good framework conditions and appropriate measures.


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National Tourism Strategy 2030

April 2021
Destination Strategy

Besides the need for forward-looking rebuilding following the coronavirus pandemic, both the green shift and digitalisation are deep drivers that will influence the development of the industry up to 2030. There is potential for green growth and increased export revenues, based on a win-win development for industry stakeholders, visitors, towns and communities of all sizes, the environment and our planet.

The aim is for the Norwegian tourist industry to increase its creation of value and jobs all over the country in a way that also enriches local communities. Stakeholders must deliver such high customer value that customers are willing to pay for more things and make repeat purchases. Tourism will help Norway to become a low-emissions society. Reinforced value creation capability, reinforced capacity for innovation and creation, and reinforced capability to manage the development created are the initiatives that will be used to achieve these goals. Better interaction is another goal. This includes all stakeholders in the ecosystem best used to describe the modern tourist industry. Moreover, the tourist industry is entirely dependent on good framework conditions and appropriate measures.
