Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions

Perspective Destination Netherlands 2030

Destination Strategy

Perspective 2030 is about the changing role of tourism and the sustainable development of the Netherlands as a destination. This requires a new approach, that prioritises the common interests of visitors, businesses and local residents. Ensuring that tourism contributes to the prosperity and well-being of all Dutch people.

Five priorities play a key role in achieving this ambition:

  • Benefits and burdens are in balance, more benefits from tourism than burdens;
  • All of the Netherlands is attractive: put more cities and regions on the map as attractive destinations;
  • Accessible and achievable: easily accessible cities and regions;
  • Sustainability is a must: a living environment with less waste and pollution;
  • A hospitable industry: the Netherlands as a welcoming destination.


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Perspective Destination Netherlands 2030

Destination Strategy

Perspective 2030 is about the changing role of tourism and the sustainable development of the Netherlands as a destination. This requires a new approach, that prioritises the common interests of visitors, businesses and local residents. Ensuring that tourism contributes to the prosperity and well-being of all Dutch people.

Five priorities play a key role in achieving this ambition:

  • Benefits and burdens are in balance, more benefits from tourism than burdens;
  • All of the Netherlands is attractive: put more cities and regions on the map as attractive destinations;
  • Accessible and achievable: easily accessible cities and regions;
  • Sustainability is a must: a living environment with less waste and pollution;
  • A hospitable industry: the Netherlands as a welcoming destination.
