High Streets Task Force
Place Leadership in English Local Authorities.webpPlace Leadership in English Local Authorities.webp

Place Leadership in English Local Authorities

February 2023

This research aims to understand the role and methods of local authority leaders in the successful regeneration of high streets and town centres. The research focused on seven place leaders, based within local authorities, who have a strong track record of place transformation.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Recommendations
  3. Terms of reference
  4. Context
  5. The Collaborative Cycle of Place Leadership by Local Authority Leaders - Summary of findings
  6. Council Place Leaders
  7. Leaders’ role as conveners of people, developers of partnerships and utilisation of local authority systems and functions
  8. Conveners
  9. Engage
  10. Influence
  11. Communication and Inspiration
  12. Vision
  13. Empower
  14. Creativity
  15. Challenge
  16. Systems and Function
  17. Conclusions
  18. Bibliography

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Place Leadership in English Local Authorities

February 2023

This research aims to understand the role and methods of local authority leaders in the successful regeneration of high streets and town centres. The research focused on seven place leaders, based within local authorities, who have a strong track record of place transformation.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Recommendations
  3. Terms of reference
  4. Context
  5. The Collaborative Cycle of Place Leadership by Local Authority Leaders - Summary of findings
  6. Council Place Leaders
  7. Leaders’ role as conveners of people, developers of partnerships and utilisation of local authority systems and functions
  8. Conveners
  9. Engage
  10. Influence
  11. Communication and Inspiration
  12. Vision
  13. Empower
  14. Creativity
  15. Challenge
  16. Systems and Function
  17. Conclusions
  18. Bibliography