High Streets Task Force
Place Partnership Research 2024 tn.webpPlace Partnership Research 2024 tn.webp

Place Partnerships

February 2024

Place partnerships have been crucial to the success of regeneration in our places. This research aims to investigate and qualify the impact of place partnerships, what they achieve, how they achieve it, as well as to understand more about how place partnerships form and evolve, and their role in the development and regeneration of their places.

The research focuses on four partnerships which have historically seen success and improvement in their locale. Although there has been research which has tracked the development and impact of partnerships, there has been little which has examined the factors which ensure success in practice. This report aims to highlight the role and impact of successful partnerships to provide help and support to the development of partnerships in the future.

In essence, the research in this study has found that:

1. Partnerships are about doing and action

2. Partnerships have a clear life span. Exit strategies and transition plans are key to ensure continued success.

3. Community and bottom-up approaches ensure that the public is onside and help to build trust between various stakeholders

4. Key individuals at the centre of the partnership, who show both leadership and passion, are essential

5. Successful Partnerships grow organically and function in both formal and informal structures, being adaptable and changeable according to needs at the time.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Why are partnerships formed in the first place?
  4. Literature Overview
  5. Methodology
  6. Analysis
  7. Conclusion

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Place Partnerships

February 2024

Place partnerships have been crucial to the success of regeneration in our places. This research aims to investigate and qualify the impact of place partnerships, what they achieve, how they achieve it, as well as to understand more about how place partnerships form and evolve, and their role in the development and regeneration of their places.

The research focuses on four partnerships which have historically seen success and improvement in their locale. Although there has been research which has tracked the development and impact of partnerships, there has been little which has examined the factors which ensure success in practice. This report aims to highlight the role and impact of successful partnerships to provide help and support to the development of partnerships in the future.

In essence, the research in this study has found that:

1. Partnerships are about doing and action

2. Partnerships have a clear life span. Exit strategies and transition plans are key to ensure continued success.

3. Community and bottom-up approaches ensure that the public is onside and help to build trust between various stakeholders

4. Key individuals at the centre of the partnership, who show both leadership and passion, are essential

5. Successful Partnerships grow organically and function in both formal and informal structures, being adaptable and changeable according to needs at the time.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Why are partnerships formed in the first place?
  4. Literature Overview
  5. Methodology
  6. Analysis
  7. Conclusion