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Responsible Travel Handbook

October 2023
Destination Strategy

When the Port of Seattle introduced its Century Agenda in 2012, it created a clear vision for the organization to be a positive force for Washington’s economy and its people. Among the ambitious goals outlined in the plan are promoting tourism, becoming the greenest port in North America, and becoming a model for diversity, equity and inclusion.

With those goals in mind, the Port’s tourism department sponsored the State of Washington Tourism’s Responsible Outdoor Travel Summit in 2022 to advance conversations around tourism’s impact on the environment, destination stewardship and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The Port brought in internationally recognized experts at the Travel Foundation and Tourism Cares to help bring those messages to Washington’s tourism industry.

Developing this Responsible Tourism Handbook is a follow-up on commitments made at the Summit to take action. In it, you will find inspiration and practical guidance on how your organization, region, or community can help usher in a better version of the tourism industry that works for all Washingtonians.

We hope the contents of this handbook will be a foundational tool that will help your organizations drive the positive impact of tourism not just economically but also environmentally and socially.

State of Washington Tourism (SWT) adopted a strategic position around responsible travel, beginning with a values-based destination brand platform and consumer campaigns targeting responsible travellers. Robust destination development and management programs were created to bolster the tourism industry and rural and underserved communities. SWT inaugurated the Responsible Outdoor Travel Summit, with foundational sponsorship from the Port of Seattle, to convene thought leaders in travel and tourism, recreation and conservation.

We look forward to continuing and expanding these partnerships and hope this Responsible Travel Handbook provides a framework for your initiatives.


1. Introduction

2. Why Take Action Now?

3.  Towards Sustainable & Inclusive Tourism in Washington

4.  Your Organization and Community’s Context

5.  Understanding, Measuring and Managing Tourism’s Impacts

6. Product Development

7. Responsible Marketing & Communications Strategies

8. Supporting Businesses to Adapt and Build Resilience

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Responsible Travel Handbook

October 2023
Destination Strategy

When the Port of Seattle introduced its Century Agenda in 2012, it created a clear vision for the organization to be a positive force for Washington’s economy and its people. Among the ambitious goals outlined in the plan are promoting tourism, becoming the greenest port in North America, and becoming a model for diversity, equity and inclusion.

With those goals in mind, the Port’s tourism department sponsored the State of Washington Tourism’s Responsible Outdoor Travel Summit in 2022 to advance conversations around tourism’s impact on the environment, destination stewardship and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The Port brought in internationally recognized experts at the Travel Foundation and Tourism Cares to help bring those messages to Washington’s tourism industry.

Developing this Responsible Tourism Handbook is a follow-up on commitments made at the Summit to take action. In it, you will find inspiration and practical guidance on how your organization, region, or community can help usher in a better version of the tourism industry that works for all Washingtonians.

We hope the contents of this handbook will be a foundational tool that will help your organizations drive the positive impact of tourism not just economically but also environmentally and socially.

State of Washington Tourism (SWT) adopted a strategic position around responsible travel, beginning with a values-based destination brand platform and consumer campaigns targeting responsible travellers. Robust destination development and management programs were created to bolster the tourism industry and rural and underserved communities. SWT inaugurated the Responsible Outdoor Travel Summit, with foundational sponsorship from the Port of Seattle, to convene thought leaders in travel and tourism, recreation and conservation.

We look forward to continuing and expanding these partnerships and hope this Responsible Travel Handbook provides a framework for your initiatives.


1. Introduction

2. Why Take Action Now?

3.  Towards Sustainable & Inclusive Tourism in Washington

4.  Your Organization and Community’s Context

5.  Understanding, Measuring and Managing Tourism’s Impacts

6. Product Development

7. Responsible Marketing & Communications Strategies

8. Supporting Businesses to Adapt and Build Resilience