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Seven Bets

June 2023

In a period of seismic change, this report produced by IBM's Knowledge Institute provides in-depth insights into the seven key trends they're seeing today and the right 'bets' to consider in responding to these.

Through detailed analysis, references to interesting case studies and concrete advice on actions to take, get a complete overview of key trends shaping your next transformation.


The seven bets include:

  1. Trend 1: Tech-led disruptions are accelerating, driven by generative AI / Bet: Implement secure, AI-first intelligent workflows to run the enterprise
  2. Trend 2: Sustainability promises are just beginning to show progress / Bet: Sustainability promises are just beginning to show progress
  3. Trend 3: Every product is becoming a digital product / Bet: Invest as much in your software supply chain as in your physical supply chain
  4. Trend 4: Experience matters more than we think / Bet: Apply design leadership to change every aspect of the enterprise
  5. Trend 5: The pragmatic metaverse will enhance the physical world, not replace it / Bet: Invest now in augmented reality (AR) solutions with clear benefits
  6. Trend 6: Reglobalization, reskilling, and new partnerships are transforming value chains / Bet: Simplify, digitize, and partner to build a resilient enterprise
  7. Trend 7: Skills scarcity and demographic shifts are defining the new social contract / Bet: Embrace a new work-life continuum in a tech-enabled workplace

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Seven Bets

June 2023

In a period of seismic change, this report produced by IBM's Knowledge Institute provides in-depth insights into the seven key trends they're seeing today and the right 'bets' to consider in responding to these.

Through detailed analysis, references to interesting case studies and concrete advice on actions to take, get a complete overview of key trends shaping your next transformation.


The seven bets include:

  1. Trend 1: Tech-led disruptions are accelerating, driven by generative AI / Bet: Implement secure, AI-first intelligent workflows to run the enterprise
  2. Trend 2: Sustainability promises are just beginning to show progress / Bet: Sustainability promises are just beginning to show progress
  3. Trend 3: Every product is becoming a digital product / Bet: Invest as much in your software supply chain as in your physical supply chain
  4. Trend 4: Experience matters more than we think / Bet: Apply design leadership to change every aspect of the enterprise
  5. Trend 5: The pragmatic metaverse will enhance the physical world, not replace it / Bet: Invest now in augmented reality (AR) solutions with clear benefits
  6. Trend 6: Reglobalization, reskilling, and new partnerships are transforming value chains / Bet: Simplify, digitize, and partner to build a resilient enterprise
  7. Trend 7: Skills scarcity and demographic shifts are defining the new social contract / Bet: Embrace a new work-life continuum in a tech-enabled workplace