Digital Innovation Observatories - Politecnico de Milano
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Smart Tourism Destination: Definition & Value Chain & Data-Driven Strategy

June 2024

Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) are public or private-public bodies in charge of managing and promoting a tourist destination. In the last decade, DMOs have become central in guiding innovation processes and defining common development objectives for tourist destinations, increasingly oriented towards raising their competitiveness and sustainability levels. It is therefore important to understand how these organisations function, how they generate value, and which are the main innovations that impact them.

The report aims at clarifying, through a qualitative and systematic approach, the main concepts, models and solutions that define DMOs and particularly those more innovative and data-driven, usually referred to as "Smart" destinations.

In particular, the first section outlines definitions, characteristics and purposes of DMOs in general and Smart DMOs in particular. The second section analyses the value chain of DMOs, with special attention to the role of data management for primary activities. The third section focuses on the data strategy, highlighting how it can support Smart Destinations in generating value for both the tourists and the territory, which are the most used type of data, their sources and the tools adopted for their management.


  • Key Questions
  • Abstract
  • Smart Destination: Definition, Characteristics and Purposes
  • The Value Chain of Smart Destinations
  • Data-Driven Destination Management: Types of Data, Sources and Tools
  • Related Online Reports
  • Methodology Notes

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Smart Tourism Destination: Definition & Value Chain & Data-Driven Strategy

June 2024

Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) are public or private-public bodies in charge of managing and promoting a tourist destination. In the last decade, DMOs have become central in guiding innovation processes and defining common development objectives for tourist destinations, increasingly oriented towards raising their competitiveness and sustainability levels. It is therefore important to understand how these organisations function, how they generate value, and which are the main innovations that impact them.

The report aims at clarifying, through a qualitative and systematic approach, the main concepts, models and solutions that define DMOs and particularly those more innovative and data-driven, usually referred to as "Smart" destinations.

In particular, the first section outlines definitions, characteristics and purposes of DMOs in general and Smart DMOs in particular. The second section analyses the value chain of DMOs, with special attention to the role of data management for primary activities. The third section focuses on the data strategy, highlighting how it can support Smart Destinations in generating value for both the tourists and the territory, which are the most used type of data, their sources and the tools adopted for their management.


  • Key Questions
  • Abstract
  • Smart Destination: Definition, Characteristics and Purposes
  • The Value Chain of Smart Destinations
  • Data-Driven Destination Management: Types of Data, Sources and Tools
  • Related Online Reports
  • Methodology Notes