Snapshot of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies.webpSnapshot of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies.webp

Snapshot of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies

March 2023
Policy Guidelines

This review of 70 national tourism policies and strategies finds that limited attention is given to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the sector. The majority of policies and strategies do not acknowledge gender inequalities in employment, pay, treatment or division of labour.

Nearly half of the documents reviewed did not mention how tourism can be used to ensure gender equality and empower women and girls. Using the Gender Equity Continuum, the report presents examples of the extent to which gender equality is integrated into a range of policy documents.


  1. Chapter 1: Analysis of Gender Policies in Tourism
  2. Chapter 2: Examples for Gender (In)Equality in National Tourism Policies
  3. Chapter 3: Conclusions and Recommendations

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Snapshot of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies

March 2023
Policy Guidelines

This review of 70 national tourism policies and strategies finds that limited attention is given to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the sector. The majority of policies and strategies do not acknowledge gender inequalities in employment, pay, treatment or division of labour.

Nearly half of the documents reviewed did not mention how tourism can be used to ensure gender equality and empower women and girls. Using the Gender Equity Continuum, the report presents examples of the extent to which gender equality is integrated into a range of policy documents.


  1. Chapter 1: Analysis of Gender Policies in Tourism
  2. Chapter 2: Examples for Gender (In)Equality in National Tourism Policies
  3. Chapter 3: Conclusions and Recommendations