South Dublin City Council
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South Dublin County Tourism Strategy 2024-2029

March 2024
Destination Strategy

This strategy is intended to guide the activities and work programme of South Dublin County Council from 2024 to 2029, providing clear direction for all tourism stakeholders.

The Evidence

The strategy is underpinned by extensive stakeholder engagement within the County, and at regional and national levels including 35 one-to-one strategic conversations, an online survey with 230 responses, and an in-depth focus group workshop. Extensive research has been undertaken on the ground in South Dublin County along with policy analysis and research into relevant policy and comparable good practice in international destinations.

Strategic framework

The strategy is guided by one vision, four goals, and six priorities. Strategic priorities are designed to deliver on the vision and ensure South Dublin County can build on success and realise its potential as a thriving visitor destination within the Dublin Region. Six catalytic projects are identified with each capable of contributing to the transformation of tourism in South Dublin County.

Actions identified under each strategic priority will enable compelling and high-quality visitor experiences, with an increasingly resilient, competitive, and innovative industry that provides local economic benefit to the communities of South Dublin County. A sector based on principles of sustainable and regenerative tourism, leaving places better than they were before.

The strategic framework outlined in this section seeks to capitalise on the opportunities, build on success and address challenges, positioning South Dublin County as a thriving resilient destination for the next five years to 2029 and beyond.


  1. Foreword
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction
  4. Situation Analysis
  5. Strategy Framework
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation

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South Dublin County Tourism Strategy 2024-2029

March 2024
Destination Strategy

This strategy is intended to guide the activities and work programme of South Dublin County Council from 2024 to 2029, providing clear direction for all tourism stakeholders.

The Evidence

The strategy is underpinned by extensive stakeholder engagement within the County, and at regional and national levels including 35 one-to-one strategic conversations, an online survey with 230 responses, and an in-depth focus group workshop. Extensive research has been undertaken on the ground in South Dublin County along with policy analysis and research into relevant policy and comparable good practice in international destinations.

Strategic framework

The strategy is guided by one vision, four goals, and six priorities. Strategic priorities are designed to deliver on the vision and ensure South Dublin County can build on success and realise its potential as a thriving visitor destination within the Dublin Region. Six catalytic projects are identified with each capable of contributing to the transformation of tourism in South Dublin County.

Actions identified under each strategic priority will enable compelling and high-quality visitor experiences, with an increasingly resilient, competitive, and innovative industry that provides local economic benefit to the communities of South Dublin County. A sector based on principles of sustainable and regenerative tourism, leaving places better than they were before.

The strategic framework outlined in this section seeks to capitalise on the opportunities, build on success and address challenges, positioning South Dublin County as a thriving resilient destination for the next five years to 2029 and beyond.


  1. Foreword
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction
  4. Situation Analysis
  5. Strategy Framework
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation