Czech Ministry of the Environment
State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic 2030with Outlook to 2050.webpState Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic 2030with Outlook to 2050.webp

State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic 2030 with Outlook to 2050

May 2021

The State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic defines priority problematic areas in relation to the environment in the Czech Republic, formulates strategic and specific objectives based on these areas, and outlines their possible solutions by examples of types of measures whose implementation should lead to an effective protection of the environment and its improved condition. This State Environmental Policy (“SEP 2030”) is valid until 2030, with outlook to 2050. Its main objective is to make maximum efforts and set the direction to fulfil the following vision (for 2050):

The topics addressed by this policy are divided into three main areas (Environment and Health, Climate-Neutral and Circular Economy, Nature and Landscape), 10 strategic objectives and 32 specific objectives (an overview is presented below). A vision for 2050 was formulated for each of the three areas.

Objectives stipulated by SEP 2030 are achieved by implementing types of measures, whose examples are listed for individual strategic objectives. The selection of particular types of measures will be the subject of valid segment- and sector-specific strategic documents, whose implementation is ensured by cross-sectional instruments (listed in special Chapter 4), in particular by legislative instruments and financing.

Fulfilment of the SEP 2030 is monitored using indicators and coordinated through regular meetings of the platform for monitoring the SEP 2030 fulfilment progress, whose members include representatives of public administration bodies responsible or co-responsible for achieving the specific objectives, the academia and non-governmental organizations and associations. Monitoring of the indicators will be ensured by the annual publication of the Report on the Environment of the Czech Republic. Public administration bodies responsible for specific objectives are primarily Ministries and selected authorities. The implementation of SEP 2030 will require participation of local governments, the general public and others.


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State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic 2030 with Outlook to 2050

May 2021

The State Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic defines priority problematic areas in relation to the environment in the Czech Republic, formulates strategic and specific objectives based on these areas, and outlines their possible solutions by examples of types of measures whose implementation should lead to an effective protection of the environment and its improved condition. This State Environmental Policy (“SEP 2030”) is valid until 2030, with outlook to 2050. Its main objective is to make maximum efforts and set the direction to fulfil the following vision (for 2050):

The topics addressed by this policy are divided into three main areas (Environment and Health, Climate-Neutral and Circular Economy, Nature and Landscape), 10 strategic objectives and 32 specific objectives (an overview is presented below). A vision for 2050 was formulated for each of the three areas.

Objectives stipulated by SEP 2030 are achieved by implementing types of measures, whose examples are listed for individual strategic objectives. The selection of particular types of measures will be the subject of valid segment- and sector-specific strategic documents, whose implementation is ensured by cross-sectional instruments (listed in special Chapter 4), in particular by legislative instruments and financing.

Fulfilment of the SEP 2030 is monitored using indicators and coordinated through regular meetings of the platform for monitoring the SEP 2030 fulfilment progress, whose members include representatives of public administration bodies responsible or co-responsible for achieving the specific objectives, the academia and non-governmental organizations and associations. Monitoring of the indicators will be ensured by the annual publication of the Report on the Environment of the Czech Republic. Public administration bodies responsible for specific objectives are primarily Ministries and selected authorities. The implementation of SEP 2030 will require participation of local governments, the general public and others.
